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关于”有关名字“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Relevant name。以下是关于有关名字的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relevant name

Winston Churchill is a famous political leader in the world. When he was Prime Minister of Britain, his political wife, Seth Astor, once said to him: if I were your wife, I would admit the medicine in your coffee. Churchill listened and said with a smile: if I were your husband, I would drink this coffee...






① (

2) John Wilkes Booth's emancipation declaration;

2) the Thirteenth Amendment;

3) withdrawal from [si'si: dir] country;

4) constitution [K & nsti'tju: M + n] n Lincoln was born in a cabin in Kentucky. At that time, he was a little boy. His family moved to the border area of Indiana.

His mother told him that Lincoln did not have much formal education, but he became one of the best educated people in the western region. When Lincoln was a young man, his family moved to new state of Illinois. Lincoln was very happy He had to make a living as a child, but in his spare time he studied law, and he soon became one of the most famous lawyers in Springfield, the capital of Illinois, where Lincoln became famous by debating with Stephen Douglas about slavery.

After Lincoln was elected president of the United States, he was the candidate of the new Republican Party and opposed the establishment of a new slave state. Shortly after Lincoln was elected, some Southern States withdrew from the Union and established the Confederacy of the United States. This action led to a terrible civil war during the war from to.

In this document, Lincoln issued his famous emancipation declaration. Lincoln declared that from that day on, all slaves who seceded from the Union would be free. After the war, the Thirteenth Amendment was added to the constitution of the United States.

The amendment ended slavery throughout the United States. At the end of the civil war, the South was defeated only by the north. A few days after the end of the war, Lincoln was shot dead by an actor named John Wilkes Booth.

The president died in April, and the world lost one of the greatest figures ever.

① debate [di'beit] n.

② oppose [+ P + UZ] v.

creation [kri: 'EIM + n] n.

④ withdraw [wij'dr -:] v.

⑤ declaration [PR +'kleim] v.




① ②③④⑤约翰·威尔克斯·布斯①《解放宣言》②《第十三修正案》③《退出[si'si:diR]国家④宪法[k&nsti'tju:M+n]n、 林肯出生在肯塔基州的一个小木屋里,那时他还是个小男孩,他的家人搬到了印第安纳州的边境地区,他的母亲告诉他,林肯没有受过多少正规的教育,但他成为了西部地区受教育最好的人之一当林肯还是个年轻人的时候,他全家搬到了伊利诺伊州的新州,林肯很小就不得不谋生,但在闲暇时间,他学习法律,他很快成为伊利诺伊州首府斯普林菲尔德最著名的律师之一林肯就是在这里与斯蒂芬·道格拉斯就奴隶问题进行辩论而成名的。



3:有关名字,Hello, dear friends, I think most of you should have one or two English names, right? Why don't you introduce yourself like this and share the "story" of your English name with others, such as: how do you get that name / who gave you this name / why do you like this name? I'll start first. I have two English names, the first is "angle", when I When I started learning English, I gave it a name myself. I liked it because I wanted to be a pure, kind and beautiful person.

It took me a long time until I came to a party in Germany. I met a man. In our conversation, he gave me the second English name "Paula".

He told me that in his country, Paula means to live He thinks I am such a girl. In Germany, Paula has almost become my original name. Many of my good friends don't even know my real name.

I think everyone should have a good English name. Who wants it? Learning English well is very useful. It can help us understand foreign culture more and make us closer to foreigners.

what about you? I'd love to hear your story.




标签: 初三 作文 真题

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