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关于”土木“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Civil Engineering。以下是关于土木的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest branch of engineering after military engineering. In our life, many important things we take for granted are the products of civil engineering. The construction of dams and power stations requires the water and sewage of civil engineers.

The treatment plants that provide us with safe water supply need the expertise of civil engineers. The roads and roads we take are civil engineering projects. In fact, most buildings, large or small, need the help of civil engineers in the design.

Planning or managing projects also help protect our environment, help clean up existing pollution, and plan ways to reduce air, land and water pollution in the future. Civil engineering provides us with quality of life.





2:土木工程,Civil engineering majors design and perform structural works for the public, including bridges, canals, dams, ports, lighthouses, roads, tunnels, and Environmental Engineering (such as water supply systems). Modern fields include power plants, aircraft and airports, chemical processing plants. Today's civil engineering for water treatment facilities includes site investigation and feasibility study, structural design and analysis, construction and facility maintenance.

Engineering design requires the application of design theories in many fields (such as hydraulics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics research in structural analysis, and the technology of materials such as steel and concrete) to open the way for new concepts and greater material economy. Engineers' analysis of building problems determines the structural system to be used, and structural design is strictly analyzed by computer to determine him Are we willing to bear loads and natural forces.




3:土木,Civil engineering is the oldest branch after military engineering. In our life, many important things we take for granted are the products of civil engineering. The construction of dams and power stations requires civil engineers to treat water and sewage.

Factories that provide us with safe water supply need the expertise of civil engineers. The roads and roads we pass through are civil engineering projects. In fact, most buildings need the help of civil engineers, whether in the design, planning or management of projects To protect our environment in cleaning up existing pollution and planning methods to reduce our future air pollution, land and water conservancy projects give our quality of life EA.




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