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关于”婚姻是过时“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Marriage is out of date。以下是关于婚姻是过时的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Marriage is out of date

China has a history of more than 5000 years. When foreigners come to China, we are proud of this culture. They are attracted by the various cultures that we advocate to maintain the tradition.

As for the outdated part, whenever the big day of the Chinese comes, we should remove it. They are used to inviting their family and friends to have a big dinner. But tragedies sometimes happen because of the ancient times Old tradition.

For example, a boy was very happy to enter a top university. He invited relatives and friends to celebrate. As a result, people kept toasting to him.

The boy died of excessive drinking. What a tragedy! Good things suddenly turned into bad things. This tragedy has always been such a tradition for Chinese people, leading to the end of many young people's lives.

Drinking is the main source for people to seek business cooperation in drinking Or, when we realize that it's wrong to keep an outdated culture, we should show respect and it's time to eliminate the negative.




2:,China is known as "the state of etiquette". However, people often complain that public morality is no longer the family of the past, for example, a cello society. This also reflects the general mood of a country as we know it.

The family relationship of Chinese people is very close. However, with the emergence of modern family concept, people find that the divorce rate and extramarital love are higher than before It has to be serious at any time. Another example is that Lei Feng is always ready to help others.

In the past, almost all Chinese people know that Lei Feng spirit is worth learning. However, today, some people say that Lei Feng spirit is an outdated fashion concept. In the early stage of the development of market economy, it is not surprising that some bad phenomena appear.

However, we should not sit idly by and let it rampant. We should actively take measures to improve public morality and morality The media should play a leading role in this respect, and spare no effort to praise, criticize and guide people to distinguish the true, the good and the beautiful from the wrong, the ugly and the evil.




3:婚姻是过时,Is Lei Feng spirit out of date? Some people say that Lei Feng spirit is out of date in today's society. Their reason is that in the commodity economy, people should pursue more practical things, such as fame and wealth and comfortable life. Nothing is more important than these things.

This is often considered to be contemporary. Some people say that Lei Feng spirit still has a huge echo among millions of Chinese people The story of big soldiers has such a strong impact on people's thinking. There are countless living Lei Feng in all fields of society.

They take Lei Feng as an example and serve the people wholeheartedly. I think Lei Feng spirit will never be out of date. Today, more and more Lei Feng emerge from all walks of life.

Xu Hu sets an example for the whole country Selfless spirit will always inspire us to move forward.




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