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关于”说话重要性“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Importance of speaking。以下是关于说话重要性的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Importance of speaking

Money may not buy happiness, but having a happy childhood can make you a lot of money. It's no surprise to self-made billionaire Sir Richard Branson in the past that he was "very lucky" to be able to compete with "outstanding" in the past, a study has found that cheerful children will make more money when they grow up, even if their parents are uneducated or high-income, and they are in the same family Richard Branson's study examined the happiness levels of children and young people in the United States. The economists who carried out the study compared the data with their income levels in adulthood, and found that the level of happiness in young age obviously determines the income level in later years.

For example, those who had a one percent increase in life satisfaction between the ages of one and five had a one percent increase at the age of five. "This study provides another reason to create an emotionally healthy family environment," said Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University, co-author of the study Economists have long recognized that people with higher incomes tend to be happier, but this is the first study to show the economic benefits of being happy when young. Happy people tend to be more efficient, which may explain why they are promoted faster than their pessimistic colleagues, the authors say.



1、理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)这项研究考察了美国儿童和年轻人的幸福水平进行这项研究的经济学家们将这些数据与他们成年后的收入水平进行了比较,结果发现年轻时的幸福感水平明显决定了晚年的收入水平。




2:说话的重要性,With the deepening of globalization, English is becoming more and more important. Especially for those who communicate with foreigners, English is an important tool to understand the world. Now most information is broadcast in English, especially advanced information.

To learn English well, we can see a completely different world. For example, we can sometimes read original novels or enjoy English movies Translation may eliminate the essence of the original language. We may even develop a different way of thinking, that is, English thinking mode.

In short, it is different from Chinese. As a communication tool, English plays an important role in our life.




3:说话重要性,It's important for us to know how to prevent us from getting hurt in the earthquake. The most effective way is to rely on ourselves. We can prepare everything before the earthquake.

When there is an earthquake, we must keep enough food and drinking water. Keep calm, don't just do this to run around according to the correct order. Can we get the most chance of survival in the earthquake.





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