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Emerging markets: Why are so many funds still flawed after a hard year and a half? Emerging market stocks have fallen back to a reasonable level, but investors who want to invest in the fast-growing economies of the developing world should think twice, focusing on the standard emerging market mutual fund funds, which are smaller stocks in the developing world, and stocks in emerging economies such as Brazil In the market, it offers a more pure way to play, with China and India on roller coasters for the five years to October 10. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index, which tracks the stock markets of developing countries, rose. As a result, it plummeted by two-thirds during the financial crisis, more than double the decline suffered by Western markets.

After the crisis, the index more than doubled, but in April, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (MSCI Emerging Markets) fell by two-thirds during the financial crisis Emerging market stocks have been hit by some factors in some countries, such as Brazil and China, economic growth has slowed down, and the European debt crisis has caused many investors to withdraw from various volatile assets this decline makes the overall valuation look reasonable. The price earnings ratio of Morgan Stanley Capital International emerging market index in the past few months has been about times that of many other countries Market, the MSCI Emerging Market Index has a P / E ratio of about times, and the dividend yield (i.e., the percentage of dividend to share price) looks attractive, especially when compared with the standard & Poor's stock index The overall return of Asian (excluding Japan) stock markets is about the same as that of Brazil and Russia. Despite the fact that the recent concerns about recent economic growth, the long-term prospects for emerging markets are still attractive.

It is expected that the expansion rate of emerging market economies will be much higher than that of the United States and Western countries, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that as emerging market economies continue to industrialize and the living standards of hundreds of millions of consumers continue to improve, emerging market economies will account for a part of global economic growth in the next five years, while output in Asia (excluding Japan) is expected to rise, although at a lower base, compared with developed economies.


新兴市场:为什么这么多基金在经历了xx年半的艰难岁月后仍有缺陷,新兴市场股票已回落至合理水平,但希望投资于发展中世界快速增长经济体的投资者,应三思而后行,将重点放在发展中世界较小股票的标准新兴市场共同基金基金,在巴西等新兴经济体的股票市场上,提供了更为纯粹的玩法,在截至xx月xx日的xx年里,中国和印度一直在坐过山车。跟踪发展中国家股市的摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Markets index)上涨,结果在金融危机期间暴跌了三分之二,比西方市场同样遭受的跌幅还要大,危机过后,该指数翻了一番多,但在xx月摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场(MSCI Emerging Markets)之后又开始下跌——新兴市场股票受到了巴西和中国等一些国家的一些因素的冲击,经济增长放缓,欧债危机导致许多投资者从各种波动性资产中撤出 这种下跌使整体估值看起来合理摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数过去几个月的市盈率约为倍,而在许多市场,摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Market index)的市盈率约为倍,股息收益率(即股息占股价的百分比)看起来很有吸引力,尤其是与标准普尔股票指数(Standard&Poor's stock index)提供的微薄利润率相比,亚洲(不包括日本)股市的总体收益率大约相当于巴西和俄罗斯股市的收益率,尽管事实如此近期对近期经济增长的担忧,长期的新兴市场前景依然诱人,预计新兴市场经济体的扩张速度将远高于美国和西方国家,国际货币基金组织(imf)预测,随着新兴市场经济体继续实现工业化,数亿消费者的生活水平不断提高,在未来xx年里,新兴市场经济体将占全球经济增长的一部分,而亚洲(不包括日本)的产出将占比,尽管基数较低,但与发达经济体相比,预计将有所上升。


The reason for this is that mutual funds and exchange funds rely on independent indexes. Among them, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSci) is the most famous. When building a portfolio, the mathematical basis of the index is the market value of these companies.

"Morgan Stanley Capital International really didn't make a positive decision to give Samsung a high weight," Dimitris MELAS said "It was market participants who made the decision," said Dimitris MELAS Arnott, an executive director of Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSci), "based on an alternative approach to index management, measuring stocks in terms of corporate fundamentals rather than market value. His emerging market index is powershares FTSE Rafi, the emerging markets portfolio exchange fund This method has its advantages (although at present, the portfolio has a large weight on energy and raw materials stocks, which may cause many investors to suspend powerharesrafi (powershares FTSE Rafi emerging markets portfolio powerharesrafi emerging markets portfolio Powerharesrafi) has other options, and it can be said that the purest way is to invest in emerging market stocks of small companies, which are usually larger than Todd, a larger peer Mcclone is more vulnerable to the domestic economy. The manager of William Blair's emerging markets Small Cap Growth Fund, which charges $5 million a year, said an analysis by his company found that about a part of the income of the top small cap stocks in the small cap index came from domestic demand The low-cost option for mcclone to invest in small cap emerging markets funds is SPDR, standard & Poor's small cap ETF, which charges assets on a fee basis every year; and the WisdomTree emerging markets small cap difference fund collects SPDR (SPDR S & P emerging markets small cap destination fund, WisdomTree emerging markets small cap difference Fund).


究其原因,共同基金和外汇基金依赖于独立指数,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)是其中最著名的,在构建投资组合时,指数的数学基础是这些公司的市值。Dimitris Melas说,“摩根士丹利资本国际真的没有做出积极的决定,给三星一个高权重。”,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)的一位执行董事,“是市场参与者做出了这个决定”(Dimitris Melas Arnott的公司基于另一种方法管理指数,用公司基本面而不是市场价值来衡量股票,他的新兴市场指数是PowerShares-FTSE-RAFI新兴市场投资组合交换基金(PowerShares-FTSE-RAFI Emerging Markets Portfolio exchangetraded fund)的基础,理论上收取xx年的管理费,这种方法有其优点(尽管目前,该投资组合对能源和原材料股的权重较大,这可能会让许多投资者暂停PowerSharesRAFI(PowerShares FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets Portfolio PowerSharesRAFI Emerging Markets Portfolio PowerSharesRAFI)还有其他选择,可以说最纯粹的方法可能是投资于小型公司的新兴市场股票,它们通常比规模较大的同行托德•麦克隆(Todd McClone)更容易受到国内经济的影响,xx年收费500万美元的威廉·布莱尔新兴市场小盘股增长基金的经理说,他的公司的一项分析发现,小盘股指数中排名靠前的股票大约有一部分收入来自本国的国内需求;威廉·布莱尔(William Blair Emerging Markets Small Cap Growth Fund Todd McClone投资新兴市场小盘股基金的低费用选择是SPDR标准普尔新兴市场小盘ETF,每年按费用收取资产;WisdomTree新兴市场小盘股股息基金,收取 SPDR(SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Small Cap Desting Fund,WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap Difference Fund)。


Business books quarterly book review the success of hedge funds master class two books analyze what makes hedge fund managers greater, and draw different conclusions master alpha: the genius of unlocking the world's top hedge funds, written by maneet Ahuja the hedge fund Mirage: the illusion of big money and why it's too good Simon Lake says it's true Simon Lake Forget the one percent denounced by occupy Wall Street protestors that hedge fund managers make so much money for themselves. Of the 1% of their $1 billion earnings, hedge fund managers' bonuses look like a percentage point of their successful trading of stocks. Bonds and other instruments have helped turn a cottage industry into a behemoth.

Today, hedge funds They used to manage only pirate funds. Now, wealthy families count the world's largest public pension fund and endowment fund as clients. Hedge funds are successful because of their investment genius or their cunning marketing of two new books.

Are hedge fund managers' gold cups half full or half empty Ahuja, a CNBC producer, worked on Wall Street for a while before taking up the Wall Street Journal job, and wrote a letter in tribute to hedgies. She had been in awe of wall street when she was an intern at Citigroup. I left the building with a semester's internship in hand, and I'm sure I've found my connection with those good men who wear them With beautiful shoes, she never broke away from the introduction of Alfa, the most famous owner of the industry.

Then their investment ideas and their famous deal John Paulson made billions of dollars in predicting the collapse of the US real estate bubble. James Chanos, a short seller, undressed Enron and ray Dalio, the boss of Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund, made a lot of money for his investors and remained calm, doing transcendent meditation.


商业书籍季刊书评 对冲基金的成功 大师班 两本书分析了什么使对冲基金经理变得更伟大,并得出了截然不同的结论 阿尔法大师:解锁世界顶级对冲基金的天才,作者是Maneet Ahuja The hedge Fund Mirage:大资金的幻觉和为什么它太好了Simon Lack说的是真的 Simon Lack 忘了被“占领华尔街”抗议者谴责的百分之一吧,对冲基金经理为自己赚了那么多钱,在他们赚了10亿美元的1%中,对冲基金经理的奖金看起来像是他们吹嘘的成功交易股票的一个百分点,债券和其他工具帮助将一个家庭手工业转变为一个庞然大物今天,对冲基金监管着超过万亿美元的财富阶层,他们曾经只管理海盗基金,现在富裕的家庭把世界上最大的公共养老基金和捐赠基金都算作客户,对冲基金之所以成功,是因为他们的投资天才,或他们狡猾的营销两本新书在对冲基金经理的金杯是半满的还是半空的Maneet Ahuja,一位CNBC制片人,在接受《华尔街日报》工作前曾在华尔街工作过一段时间,写了一封向hedgies致敬的信她在花旗集团实习时就已经对华尔街产生了敬畏之情我离开了这座大楼,手里拿着一个学期的实习机会,我确信我已经找到了我与那些好男人的联系,他们穿着漂亮的鞋子,她从来没有摆脱过这个行业最知名老板的阿尔法大师的简介,然后他们的投资理念和他们著名的交易约翰·保尔森预测美国房地产泡沫破裂,赚了数十亿美元。詹姆斯·查诺斯,一个卖空者,脱了衣服的安然和雷·达利奥,世界上最大的对冲基金布里奇沃特的老板,为他的投资者赚了一大笔钱,并保持冷静,做着超然的沉思“”詹姆斯·查诺斯·布里奇沃特雷·达利奥。


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