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关于”向父母介绍我的朋友“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduce my friends to my parents。以下是关于向父母介绍我的朋友的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce my friends to my parents

Parents, this is my good friend (he is a musician, he is now old, he often goes to school, I hope he likes to eat fruits and vegetables, he can play piano, drum, guitar and trumpet. His real actor is Jet Li, he likes Jet Li's movies, he often goes to the movies with me.




2:,Hello, my name is Zhou Yan. I'm

15 years old. I'm tall.

I like painting, ballet, reading, swimming and playing the piano in my spare time. I like to eat bread, vegetables and fruits. My mother is a math teacher.

My father is an engineer. I have a little sister. I love them very much.

I began to play the piano from the age of five. My dream is to be a pianist.




3:向父母介绍我的朋友,I visited Beijing during the winter vacation. I visited many places of interest and cultural heritage, such as the Forbidden City and the summer palace. I met many foreigners in Beijing, and I had a pleasant conversation with a lady from the United States.

She told me that the Beijing Olympic Games attracted her and I enjoyed my trip to Beijing.



她告诉我,北京奥运会吸引了她,我很喜欢北京之行 。


标签: 六级 作文 介绍 满分 朋友

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