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关于”对什么的愿望“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Desire for what。以下是关于对什么的愿望的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Desire for what

True love is when you think of this man, you will wish him happiness and peace, you will want to accompany him forever, when you have to leave, what do you want to leave him, in the lonely night, missing a flood, holding a book in hand, but how can not get in, thinking that he had dinner, but he thinks that true love is very important to me, I don't know it gives me hope, beautiful And dreams of the future.




2:,Wu Yifan (Chris was born in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China in November, and is affiliated to the largest star factory in South Korea. Through the smglobal audition, she has been touring in Taiwan for two times during her visit to the company. In February, exomin, the leader of the team, led the team to perform a captain, a rap singer, and the appearance was in English.

She was proficient in Chinese and English Language, such as South Korea, Guangzhou and other four languages, and its handsome appearance, domineering typhoon and very friendly personality won the love of many fans.




3:对什么的愿望,Why why why why why why why why he went? Why did he go there is a mystery to me why [we [we] f f f (R [werf werf [werf ɔ R] adv Why do you want to go why [f [F]: HW [HW [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa [wa.


为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么他为什么去他为什么去那里对我来说是一个神秘的为什么[我们[我们]f f f(r[werf werf[werf[werfɔr]adv conju为什么你为什么要去为什么[f[f[f]:hw[hw[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[wa[在为什么不为什么为什么为什么。


标签: 三年级 作文 年级 满分

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