关于”描述日出“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe sunrise。以下是关于描述日出的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Describe sunrise
I once saw the sunrise. The night before was wonderful. We lived on the top of the mountain.
In the afternoon, we walked out of the tent. It was too dark for us to see anything. It's very quiet.
It seems that after 20 minutes, everything is asleep. The sky slowly turns white. We can see the outline of the mountains.
The clouds become bright. Slowly, the sun rises slowly. It is red.
But when it completely appears, it turns golden. Its light shines everywhere. The sky is completely golden.
It is really beautiful.
(Sunrise) during May Day, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai. We were lucky that the weather was fine that day. We could see the sunrise in the morning.
We had been waiting for the sun to rise on the top of the mountain. A faint light appeared in the East. Later, it was getting brighter and brighter.
An orange hat suddenly rose from the sea. The sun jumped out of the sea and looked like a big ellipsoid. Later, the sky in the East turned red.
When the sun appeared again, it was covered by a cloud. The sun changed from red to red when it rose At that time, it turned silver white, shining with dazzling light. At that time, we couldn't look at it directly.
The whole mountain was bathed in golden sunshine.
I once saw the sunrise. The night before yesterday, I was very amazing and beautiful. We lived on the top of the mountain.
In the afternoon, we walked out of the tent. It was too dark for us to see anything. I am very quiet.
It seems that everything has been sleeping for about 20 minutes. The sky slowly turns white. We can suddenly see the outline of the mountain.
The clouds begin to brighten. Slowly, the sun rises slowly. It is red.
But when it completely appears, it turns golden. Its light reaches all places. The sky is completely golden.
It is really beautiful.
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