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关于”家乡变化的用比较级“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Comparative grade of hometown change。以下是关于家乡变化的用比较级的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Comparative grade of hometown change

I get along well with my best friend, but we are so different, taller than me, thinner, stronger than me, with short hair, he is more interesting and outgoing than me, I am more serious, he is more athletic and likes to participate in various sports, but I am more intelligent in learning, my friend is more wild than me, I am more calm, sometimes he is careless than me, he has better taste of music, I will help I think our friendship will last forever.




Friends are very important to me. They make my life more colorful. My friends and I often discuss homework together.

When I am in trouble, we also discuss pop stars. I ask my friends for help. They give me advice and encourage me.

All the time, I like being different from my friends. My best friend John is taller than me and more outgoing. We all like it Sports, but John is more athletic than me, I am more quiet with his help, I know more things and people than before, when I always laugh at him, I believe that as long as he makes up his mind, anyone can make him, so do I.

It's great to have such friends.




When you grow up to go to school, mother will still take care of you in the cold winter. She always tells you to put on more clothes. When you are anxious to leave home for school, she always stands at the window waiting for you to come back from school.




标签: 专八 英文 翻译 作文 家乡

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