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关于”一个医生“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A doctor。以下是关于一个医生的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A doctor

I hope I can become a doctor in the future. I was born in a doctor's family. My parents are doctors.

They are always busy working for the health of patients and have no time to take care of them. Doctors have saved many people's lives at work. Doctors are called "angels in white", because doctors can let these people experience the pain and pain, and make people change their health.

At the same time, I believe, help them I hope to be a doctor like my parents. I hope I can be a doctor in the future.




2:,Dear doctors and nurses, in this spring season, there are beautiful flowers everywhere, but no one knows that an evil claw is reaching out to happy people. When SARS broke out in Beijing, everyone was afraid to go out. But a group of brave people went to fight against SARS.

We know that you leave your children at home alone, and you can't take care of them Gu's sick parents postpone your wedding. Like soldiers, you don't care about your safety and health. I don't know how to express my love to you.

I will try my best to learn. Let's fight SARS together. We will be winners.

Take care of your love from Li Tao.




3:一个医生,Brain surgeons are about to do brain transplants. "You can choose two brains," he tells patients, "you can have a psychologist's brain for $1, or, for $2, you can have a politician's brain." patients are surprised by the huge difference in prices. "Is a politician's brain much better? He asked the brain surgeon and said, "no, it's not better.

It's just not used.".




标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业

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