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关于”他没有面“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:He has no face。以下是关于他没有面的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:He has no face

I, XX, I'm sorry to tell you that I may not be able to attend your birthday party because I have something to do that day. You know, the final exam is coming, and it's hard for me to concentrate on my study, so I think I may have to stay at home to prepare for the exam. What's more, my mother went out and left my little brother at home.

I had to take care of him. What's worse, my party cloth was so dirty that I couldn't go. I know you've always wanted me to go, but I can only say I'm sorry.

Happy birthday to you.




2:他没有脸,This guy was lying on his deathbed, surrounded by his weeping wife and his four children, three of whom were tall, beautiful and athletic, but the fourth and youngest was an ugly dwarf. "Honey," the husband whispered, "promise me that the youngest child is really mine, and I want to know the truth before I die if his wife Tell me gently, I will forgive you "Yes, my dearest, absolutely no problem," he interrupted. "I swear on my mother's grave that you are his father." Then the man died happily, and the wife murmured, "thank God, he didn't ask about the other three.".




3:他没有面,I have been to some clinics near my home. I have been to some clinics near my home. Many people living in China have been to such institutions: they have gone to discuss with their management and suggest that we should always love each other.

Even if we go to heaven, please remember that we are together. Also, teachers come from India, some Chinese go to India to learn yoga and come back to teach.




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