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Zhaozhou Bridge is the oldest stone segmental arch bridge in the world, which is located in Hebei Province and is also the oldest vertical bridge in China (Zhaozhou Bridge, also known as Pingan bridge, is a huge stone bridge across a small river in Zhaoxian County, formerly known as Zhaozhou. The length of the bridge is about M, the central span is about M, the height is m, and the width is m. The bridge has two small side arches on both sides of the main arch.

These side arches play two important roles: first, they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about tons; second, when the bridge is submerged during the flood, they allow water. This bridge is a bridge built in the Sui Dynasty, and its structure is still intact after many earthquakes. This bridge was built in the Sui Dynasty The bridge has been tested by many earthquakes and is still in use(.




2:桥,Bridgenvt: Bridge: Bridge: Bridge: Bridge: Bridge: he came back from the railway bridge, and the two sides were unlikely to bridge their differences. We hope this book will become a bridge between doctors and patients. His hooked nose bridge is a pair of golden rimless glasses, and they see themselves as a bridge to peace.

The collapse zone of the bay bridge has a narrow pedestrian crossing. Engineers calculate the strain and stress on the bridge. Some of the houses closest to the bridge caught fire.




3:桥,The tower bridge of London, built in June, is the first bridge connecting the north and south of London. It is the first bridge (built on the Thames River in London, England, and also the symbol of London, known as "the main gate of London". The tower bridge of London is an upper suspension bridge.

This bridge is located in London, England, and spans the river Thames. It is named after its proximity to the tower of London In the second half of the century, the rise of Commerce in East London led to the demand for a new bridge downstream of London bridge across the Thames River. However, this bridge can not be built as a traditional permanent bridge because it will cut off the port facilities between the bridge and the tower of London.

If the bridge is too low, ships will not be able to reach the wharf in a pedestrian tunnel under the river Thames, but it still does But it can't replace the need for a new bridge: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0 : https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0 : https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.


伦敦塔桥,建成于年xx月对公众开放,连接伦敦南北两个整体的伦敦塔桥是第一座桥(建于英国伦敦泰晤士河上,也是伦敦的象征,被称为“伦敦的主门”伦敦塔桥是一座上部悬索桥,这座桥位于英国伦敦,横跨泰晤士河,因其靠近伦敦塔而得名,于年xx月建成并对外开放,世纪下半叶,东伦敦商业的兴起导致人们对伦敦桥下游一座新桥的需求横跨泰晤士河,但这座桥不能作为一座传统的永久性桥梁来建造,因为它会切断大桥和伦敦塔之间的港口设施,如果桥太低,船就无法在泰晤士河下的一条人行隧道中到达码头,但它仍然无法取代需要一座新桥:https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0。


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