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关于”家教的利与弊“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of tutoring。以下是关于家教的利与弊的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of tutoring

Many college students hope to experience more and enrich their life. Some choose to be tutors. This is what most college students are competent for.

Tutoring is good for young students. It can provide a good opportunity to learn about the society outside the University. In this process, he or she should find an effective way to teach others.

This is not true On the other hand, if you can't plan your schedule well, you will pay a lot for being a tutor, because study is the first thing for students, and tutoring is only a part-time job for University It is very important for students. Tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, every college student should realize how to make a good adjustment between being a student and a tutor, so it is not a wise choice to be a tutor.




2:家教的利弊,During the summer vacation, many parents will hire some teachers to teach their children at home. They hope their children can learn better and get higher grades. I think everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are: students can learn something during the holidays, they can't play every day, they have to spend some time learning. If the teacher is experienced and good, and students can learn more than in class, then students can learn more knowledge, which will help them go back to school, but the disadvantage is: sometimes the people hired by parents are not good for students Strict or inexperienced, their children can't learn a lot of things. Maybe they will get wrong knowledge, which is harmful to their future study.

So I think parents should know about this teacher before hiring some teachers.




3:家教的利与弊,The advantages and disadvantages of private tutoring nowadays, it is a common practice for students to ask private tutors. A recent survey shows that about% of students in cities have private tutors. I think private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of private tutoring are as follows: first of all, teachers know the advantages and disadvantages of students, and in most cases, teaching is directed at those shy students who dare not ask questions in class. Even if they do not understand what they are teaching, private tutoring gives them the opportunity to catch up with other students. It can be seen that private tutoring benefits many students, but the disadvantages of private tutoring can not be ignored.

On the one hand, private tutoring takes up a lot of students' time, and it is difficult for them to find enough time for rest and entertainment. This is essential. For their physical and mental health, some teachers who are busy from one family to another often neglect their daily teaching duties In addition, some teachers only provide the so-called examination skills, rather than help students get what they need most.

Because private tutoring has its advantages and disadvantages, I think parents should be careful when deciding to find tutors for their children. They should pay attention to classroom teaching and practice, pay attention to the improvement of teaching quality, and pay attention to the excavation of students' potential. Only in this way can students grow healthily.





标签: 英文 高分 三年级 作文 利与弊

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