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New year, a new day, a new year is coming, we are all preparing for it. I have learned a lot this year, and I hope I can learn more next year. I hope the world will always be peaceful and human and nature will always be together.

I also hope that my parents will always be young. They have done a lot for me over the years, and they are finally the best in the world and new to all of you.




Go to school, go to college, get a job, buy a house, start a family, and raise children. It seems that our life is very busy and our responsibilities are endless. Do you feel that there is a lot of stress in our life.

Travel can help us relieve the pressure. We can have the opportunity to see the world, broaden our horizons, and find ourselves. When we talk about travel, some people may find that the excuse is too expensive, so we can do it later.

Finally, the travel plan becomes a piece of paper. If we don't look forward to buying a house and starting the Chinese dream, we just need to take out one A small amount of money, packing the suitcase, going on the road, and then starting our journey, such a simple and fast travel abroad can make you cherish your hometown more. When we are together with our family for a long time, we will naturally quarrel, and then we will start to hate our family.

If we just go to travel and leave home for a period of time, our mood will be different, we will think Read about our family and miss our sweet home. Family relationship will be closer. Travel is a good way to relieve stress, so let's travel and give up excuses.




Vincent started a lot of work before he became an artist. He was with his family. He moved to Paris and France joined theo.

Theo introduced Vincent to many painters. They lived in Paris. Gauguin didn't seem to like anything Van Gogh did in Arles.

They argued a lot about Gauguin's decision to leave Van Gogh. He became so angry that he cut off his ear and painted many other paintings before he shot himself. Two days later, Arles died.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级 学校

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