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If you have lost your credit card, please write to the bank manager, stating where and how you lost it, and any other relevant details. Ask the manager to cancel the old card and send you a new one, dear sir. I am writing to confirm the loss of my credit card.

I will call your office earlier today, Kenny Gao. The details of my credit card are as follows. This is a card with K The credit card number is from the expiration date of this card to yesterday (about: in the morning of September, the only time I used the card that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at carriver, Jinqiao Road.

I left the card at the cashier, but the clerk there couldn't find the card Kenny Gao, please cancel my card immediately and make necessary arrangements to issue a new card for me. I can contact you through the following address: wuxiangfang, Huashan Road. If you want to call me, this is my phone number: Thank you for your help.

I am looking forward to your faithful reply, Kenny Gao.


您的信用卡丢了,请写信给银行经理,说明您丢失的地点和方式,以及任何其他相关细节,请经理取消旧卡,并给您寄一张新的,亲爱的先生,我写此信是为了确认我的信用卡丢失我今天早些时候打电话给你的办公室肯尼.高.我的信用卡的详细信息如下.这是一张以Kenny Gao名义的万事达信用卡.信用卡号码是我从这张卡的有效期到昨天(xx月的大约:早上我唯一一次使用当天的卡是在金桥路卡里弗买一双运动鞋,我把卡忘在收银台了,但是那里的店员找不到卡片Kenny Gao请您立即取消我的卡,并作出必要的安排为我补办一张新卡,我可以通过以下地址联系:华山路无巷房,如果您想打电话给我,这是我的电话号码:谢谢您的帮助,我期待着您忠实的回信,Kenny Gao。


Your friend is getting married and he invited you to his wedding, but for some reason you can't go. Now write to explain why Monica dear Steve and Monica, thank you very much for inviting me to your wedding. Unfortunately, I can't attend Wendy.

I'm happy to say that Wendy is pregnant and the expected date of the baby is about the day you get married, Although she said that I could come by myself, I felt that it was the least I could do as a husband, that is to say, by her side, to take care of her after the baby was born, we all wanted to be a girl, and planned to call her Margaret after her grandmother, but if it was a boy, we were going to name him Frederick, except for us In addition to the name Wendy kenwendy, I would like to wish you both a happy life together. I hope to see you soon when Wendy is in good health. Don't forget to send us some photos.

Here's to us, Ken and Wendy.




Now, with the development of the Internet, people don't often write letters, especially for those young people who like to send short messages or type on the computer. But last week, I received a letter from a foreign friend. I met him when I received this letter a year ago.

I was very excited. Because my foreign friends did not forget me, I found that this was an appointment made six months ago. I must have been on the journey There was some delay, so I sent an email to my friend.

She came back and we contacted again. Now we have exchanged a lot and shared different cultures. I cherish our friendship very much.

It's not easy for us because last year I forgot to write down her message, so it's a good thing for someone to remember.




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