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关于”避免交通事故的发生“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Avoid traffic accidents。以下是关于避免交通事故的发生的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Avoid traffic accidents

One night, Mr. Li drove his wife home from work. He worked as a nurse in the hospital nearly midnight.

She was very tired. Mr. Li looked at her and soon fell down.

Mr. Li is a careful and experienced driver. He knows it's safer to drive slowly on a dark night.

After a while, he noticed that there was a car driving fast behind him, and soon it overtook his car.





http://zhidaobiducom/question/html ① One night, Mr. Li drove his wife home from work. She worked as a nurse in the hospital.

She was very tired and soon fell asleep. Mr. Li looked at her and said with a smile that Mr.

Li was a careful and experienced driver. He knew that he would drive slowly in a dark night. After a period of time, he found a car behind him, the car was driving fast, suddenly overtaking his car.

The driver of the car was in a hurry. He didn't see the truck coming, so as not to hit it. He adjusted the car suddenly.

The car skidded off the road and hit a big tree. Both the driver and his passengers were injured. ③ they were seriously cut by the broken windshield.

④ Mr. Li quickly stopped the car on the roadside. His wife got out of the car to help the injured truck driver stop to help Mr.

Li drive About 25 minutes later, a police car and an ambulance arrived. The injured were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The police took down the details of the accident.

Mr. Li and the truck driver told them everything they remembered. The police appreciated their help.

Mr. and Mrs. Li got into their car and continued their way home.

① overtaking [+ UV +'teik] V ② skidding [skidding] V ③ injury ['indn +] V injury ④ windshield ['winskeli: n] about 25 minutes later, the ambulance suddenly and quickly.


http://zhidaobiducom/question/html① 李莉②李③④李莉⑤⑥李莉交通事故一天晚上李先生开车送妻子下班回家她在医院当护士快半夜了,她很累很快就睡着了李先生看着她微笑着说李先生是一个细心有经验的司机,他知道这样更安全在一个漆黑的夜晚慢慢地开车。过了一段时间,他发现一辆车跟在他后面,车开得很快,突然超过了他的车。车的司机很匆忙,他没有看到驶来的卡车,以免撞上它,他突然调好了车,车子滑出了马路,撞到了一棵大树司机和他的乘客都受伤了③他们被破碎的挡风玻璃上的玻璃严重割伤了④李先生迅速把车停在路边他妻子下车帮助受伤的卡车司机也停下来帮李先生开车去打电话警察大约25分钟后,一辆警车和一辆救护车赶到。



Traffic accidents happen around us from time to time. We should learn some knowledge to avoid traffic accidents. First of all, we can't run the red light.

Secondly, we should obey the traffic order. We should tell our relatives not to drink and drive. Then we can drive safely.

If we find the road damage, we should inform the relevant departments and solve the problems as soon as possible. We should actively participate in social activities to protect our order and society. This is my suggestion I wish you happiness.




标签: 六级 英文 作文 万能 交通

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