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关于”写自己的新年计划“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write your own new year's resolutions。以下是关于写自己的新年计划的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write your own new year's resolutions

(New Year's resolution) when winter vacation comes, time flies. As a senior student, I must make a new new year's resolution for my study. At the beginning of the new year, I have some free time.

I make a detailed plan for myself: first, I set a strict time for myself, and then I try to implement it every morning. I should read English for an hour because my memory is good in the morning, and the clock has prepared a reminder time for myself. Third, I should pay attention to other subjects, do more math exercises and read a few texts, so that I can study hard in the new year.




As the saying goes: "a year's plan starts in spring, an hour in the morning, is worth two hours in the evening". So I have to work out my plan. First of all, I will try to learn mathematics well, which means that I must pass all the math tests, which is very difficult for me.

In order to get good results in the entrance examination of high school, I must make my plan and realize it, and then I must keep me I hope I can get into an excellent high school after the entrance examination in September. I want to travel, open my heart and relax. I will try my best to do everything well.




Now I have made the following new year's resolutions: in this year, I want to improve my English and Chinese, because I'm not good at them, I'm not good at writing, I want to spend a lot of time practicing on them, and I will try my best this summer I want to learn how to swim better, because swimming is a good way to keep healthy. There is a swimming near our school Chi, I will go there with my best friend after school. He will help me.

We will have a good time.


年就要到了,现在我制定了如下的新年计划:在这xx年里,我想提高我的英语和汉语,因为我不擅长它们,我不擅长写作,我想花很多时间在它们上面练习,我会尽我所能的 今年夏天我想学习如何游得更好,因为游泳是一种很好的保持健康我们学校附近有一个游泳池,放学后我会和我最好的朋友一起去那里他会帮助我的我们会玩得很开心的。


标签: 专升本 作文 万能 计划

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