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关于”对小王子书的总结“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A summary of the little prince's book。以下是关于对小王子书的总结的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A summary of the little prince's book

This little book contains a fairy tale, a story about the little prince living on a young star. The prince liked his rose, but was disappointed with what the rose said. As the doubt grew, he decided to explore other planets he had passed.

Then, he arrived at the earth. He and the author met in the desert. They gradually had friends.

Finally, he returned to himself The star of.




http://tiebabaiducom/fkz= The little prince came from a planet smaller than his house. He appreciated a beautiful flower on the planet, but he was too young to know how to love her, so he decided to leave the planet and travel to other planets. Finally, he met all kinds of people.

He came to the earth, where there were many people like the people he had seen before He also met a crafty snake and a fox, which let the little prince know what true love is, and the true love between him and the flower came true. The little prince went home. The little prince is a fairy tale, but when you read it, it regards it as a book written for children.

This book at different ages will let us find it when the author is lost in real life The lost innocence has different feelings. Maybe reading this book "the little prince" is a good way to get rid of it. When you look up at the sky, you will see 500 million smiling faces.

One of the little princes will survive. It is because of him that all the stars become meaningful at the same time. It reminds us of the truth: we are young, or at least we are young.




When your sorrow is comforted, time soothes all the sadness, you will be satisfied that you know me, you will always be my friend, you will want to laugh with me, sometimes you will open your window, so for the sake of this happiness, your friends will see you smiling and looking up at the sky, you will say to them: "yes, the stars always make me laugh" you know it's too far. I can't carry this body with me. It's too heavy, but it's like an abandoned old shell.

There's nothing sad about it you know, I'll be fine too. I'll look up at the stars. All the stars will be wells with rusty pulleys.

All the stars will pour me fresh water for me to drink. That will be so interesting. You will have 500 million little bells and I will have 500 million fresh water springs http://wwwencom/ She's too weak.

I'm not responsible for her Useful, to protect yourself from the current world - that's all, no adult will understand that this is such an important issue.


当你的悲伤得到安慰,时间抚慰了所有的悲伤,你会满足于你认识了我,你将永远是我的朋友你会想和我一起笑,有时你会打开你的窗户,因此,为了这一快乐,你的朋友们看到你笑着仰望天空,你会对他们说:“是的,星星总是让我发笑“ 你知道这太远了,我不能随身携带这具尸体,它太重了,但它会像一个被遗弃的旧贝壳一样没有什么可悲的 你知道,我也会很好的,我将仰望星辰所有的星星都将是一口带着生锈滑轮的井所有的星星都会为我倒出新鲜的水让我喝那将是如此有趣你将有5亿个小铃铛,我将有5亿个淡水泉http://wwwencom/你知道-我的花我要对她负责,她太软弱了太天真了,她有四根刺,根本没有用,来保护自己不受现在这个世界的伤害——这就是全部,没有成年人会明白这是一个如此重要的问题。


标签: 英文 八年级 作文 真题 总结

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