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关于”青年节简单一点“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Youth Day is simpler。以下是关于青年节简单一点的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Youth Day is simpler

"May 4th" is the Chinese youth day, which is to commemorate the student movement of the year. When the government failed in diplomacy in Paris, the students signed the "lost land treaty". They marched on the street angrily.

The movement against the government's decision was totally against imperialism and feudalism. This had a great impact on Chinese history. The new Chinese government designated this day as youth day To commemorate its impact, on this day, there will be many activities, we can see the new characteristics of the younger generation, they are brave, fighting for their own future.




Chinese youth day Chinese Youth Day is the May 4th movement to commemorate the student movement of the year. When the government failed in diplomacy in Paris, the students signed the land lost treaty. They marched on the street angrily.

The movement against the government's decision was totally against imperialism and feudalism. This had a great impact on Chinese history. The new Chinese government designated this day as "Youth" On this day, we can see the new characteristics of the younger generation.

They are brave and fight for their own future.




A recent survey in the UK aims to measure people's well-being and create a happiness index (which provides more insight into the quality of life, rather than just economic parameters). It shows that in the British happiness survey, people value more than money. Some respond that a grand utopian ideal world will make them happy.

Others admit that in life Some small things can have a different impact. Earlier answers showed that family relations, health status and job security are the main indicators of happiness. For example, low-cost facilities such as public parks can be used.

Many people think that swimming pools and libraries are important, while others say that having an open green space near the house, such as a park, will enrich other people's lives and other aspects, such as relaxation and rest Leisure opportunities, factors related to emotional and mental health are important. The National Bureau of statistics believes that the following factors can affect a person's happiness and happiness. The National Bureau of statistics recommends using or living near open green space or swimming pool, library and cultural facilities, which are convenient and cheap, have time and ability to relax, enjoy the benefits of living in a fair society, and everyone has economic ability or money People have the freedom to act and think.

This kind of satisfaction comes from the environment of life. Caring for each other and taking care of each other is also an important happiness. Seemingly unimportant things like just opened cans or coffee can also increase a person's happiness index.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级 简单

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