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关于”过生日的步骤“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Birthday steps。以下是关于过生日的步骤的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Birthday steps

Tuesday is my birthday. My boyfriend and I spent this birthday together. He and I had a happy evening.

He gave me a gift and we had a delicious dinner. I'm glad that my roommate also sent me a gift. I found that things have become better.

I believe that God is blessing me. He gave me some tough things and bad luck, and then he gave me I am happy and my love. I have met my good high school classmates in Shanghai.

They also thank God for letting me learn more in the society. Thank God for letting me study in the society. I thank myself.

I am an optimistic girl. I am an idealistic girl. I need more social experience.

Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways, but the most common way A person usually receives good gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Parents will prepare a special dinner or cake to express their love for their children. Because birthday celebration is one of the important activities in one's life, we can do it in a more meaningful way.

For example, we can do it for us on that day My mother bought some flowers or cooked a delicious meal in return for our parents' love. Today is XX (date). It's my birthday.

I'm very happy because my father ordered me a beautiful birthday cake. This is my favorite TASS vanilla cream. My best friend XX helped me celebrate my birthday.

He and my parents sang birthday songs for me. I have three birthdays this year The first wish is: I hope my parents are healthy and happy. I hope I can achieve my goal in September this year and build a robot model.

Finally, I hope that these three years of junior high school will be my birthday. March 5th is my birthday. This is also a special day to commemorate a great man Lei Feng.

This year, I celebrate my birthday in different ways, I get up early to make breakfast for my parents. At school, I help my deskmate repair their broken chairs. I put my birthday cake.

The old people in the nursing home are very happy to see me. They all hope that I can have a happy birthday.




2:生日步骤,Generally speaking, if the children's birthday party is not held in the children's Museum, it is not a place for parents to hold a birthday party for their children For two hours, the children who rent their venues are the leaders and play in the local area. What's more, their parents won't have to work too hard because games, food and birthday cakes will be prepared in these places. However, parents are generally required to prepare simple gifts for their children so that they can be distributed to the children for the party.




3:过生日的步骤,My birthday my birthday is December 4th. Before my birthday, my friends suggested a party, but I didn't think it was creative enough, so we decided to go on an outing that day. My friends came to my house early and brought me all kinds of gifts, such as books, cards, calendars and photo albums, even a plush pig.

We soon started our journey I found it was beautiful and interesting outside the school. Clouds, sunshine, trees, flowers and plants were all very interesting. They all said that my birthday was very special and interesting.

My next birthday party was in February. I would get up early that morning. I would go to the market to buy some snacks and drinks for the evening party.

My mother would buy me a gift. I hope it is a Barbie doll. My sister will Buy me a pair of red boots with crystal ornaments.

She knew that I had been looking forward to buying it a long time ago, but there was not enough money in the afternoon. I had to clean the room, decorate the room and prepare for the evening party. My friends are going to my birthday party.

We are going to eat cakes, sing songs and play games together. We'll all have a good time. What a wonderful birthday party I'm going to have.

I can't wait.





标签: 初中 高分 作文 生日

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