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关于”竞选班长“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Run for monitor。以下是关于竞选班长的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Run for monitor

Today, our class held a monitor election, and I was very happy to become the new monitor of the class. But when the election started, I was still very nervous. I could hear my heart beat.

I tried to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the podium to start my prepared speech. I felt that my brain was blank.

When I gave a speech before the election, I felt that my mind was blank I'm full of confidence, but I'm still so nervous when I'm on the platform. Thank you for preparing in advance, otherwise I'll be embarrassed, but the result is that what I want is a happy thing`.




Hello everyone, my name is ISI. I want to be the monitor of our class, because I can take the responsibility. I have enough ability to be competent for the first.

I think the monitor is the server of a class. He should spare no effort to help everyone in his study and daily life. I will try my best to help other students.

Finally, I will complete the layout. I believe I can thank you.




Monitor election today, our class held a monitor election, and I was very happy to become the new monitor of the class. But when the election started, I was still very nervous. I could hear my heartbeat.

I tried to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the podium to start my prepared speech. I felt that my brain was blank.

When I spoke before the election, I I'm confident about this position, but I'm still so nervous when I'm on the stage. Thank you for preparing in advance, otherwise I'll be embarrassed, but what I want is a happy thingo (∩) O.




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