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关于”手机的弊“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of mobile phones。以下是关于手机的弊的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of mobile phones

TV now plays a very important role in our life, but like other things, TV has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, television is not only a convenient form of entertainment, but also a relatively cheap form of entertainment for a family of four. For example, it is more convenient to sit at home and enjoy almost unlimited entertainment.

It is much cheaper than looking for entertainment elsewhere. They don't have to pay for expensive seats in the theater, cinema or opera house. As a result, they may get rich At present, the performance is disappointing.

They can watch dramas, movies, operas and all kinds of performances at the click of a button, not to mention the political discussion and the latest exciting football match. On the whole, this is the danger. The TV audience has no initiative, he has no choice, and he does not make any judgment.

He is completely passive without any efforts Show him everything. It is often said that television keeps people abreast of current events, enables people to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and provides an endless series of programs, both educational and entertaining. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought into one's living room.

It can be said that the radio also provides this service, but on TV everything is so much more life and more reality. However, there is a danger here. We are used to watching it.

Relying on its flashing pictures, TV begins to dominate our life. There are many other arguments for and against TV. The poor quality of TV programs is often criticized, but it is no doubt It's a big comfort for many lonely old people, whether it's corrupt or educating our children.

I think we have to realize that television itself is neither good nor bad, it's its use, its value determines its value to society.





2:,People think that education is an important way to improve the quality of citizens. Education is so important. Our government attaches great importance to education and has issued many policies.

College enrollment expansion is a good phenomenon for students, but there are also negative aspects. In China, the expansion of university enrollment allows students to have more opportunities to receive higher education. With a large population in China, every child should follow the rules According to the government's policy to receive education, young people are forced to receive education before high school.

However, every student wants to go to university and receive higher education. They must pass the college entrance examination. Many students have no chance.

The expansion of enrollment brings more hope to the students and more students can have the opportunity to go to university. The expansion of enrollment also means that the standard of students' going to university has been lowered and can not be given to students In order to make money, some schools have lowered the standard. The expansion of college enrollment is conducive to the development of students.

The government should supervise schools to improve teaching resources.




3:手机的弊,With the rapid development of economy, mobile phones have entered the campus, many students use this magic gadget to communicate with each other. This phenomenon raises the question: what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? It is generally believed that it greatly facilitates the students' campus life. Many examples can be found.

One of the graduating students in our school bought a mobile phone in the process of looking for a job. He told me that through the mobile phone, he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intended to work with, and would not miss any opportunities. There are both positive and negative sides to everything, and there are many mobile phones For example, mobile phone ringtones often interfere with teachers' eavesdropping and other students' learning; personally, as long as we do not interfere with others when using mobile phones, the advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages.




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