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关于”中国的传统服装“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Chinese traditional clothing。以下是关于中国的传统服装的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese traditional clothing

Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art, with the development of Chinese civilization, it has a long and profound history. Chinese calligraphy is generally divided into five categories: seal script (seal script), regular script (regular script) and cursive script (cursive script, paper, ink). Inkstone, commonly known as the "four treasures of the study", must master these four tools if you want to have good calligraphy.




2:中国传统服装,Over the past hundred years, Chinese medicine has rich experience in traditional Chinese medicine. Li Shizhen, a Chinese acupuncturist in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a famous book, which made great contributions to the people all over the world. Looking forward to your reply, I am very glad to hear from you asking about the symbolic meaning of the dragon.

A long time ago, China was a developing agricultural country, heavily dependent on rain or irrigation. Therefore, the ancient Chinese were there It must be a powerful God in the sky, in charge of rainfall and any other form of water on earth. Later, we in China called ourselves the descendants of the dragon, which means that agriculture has fed us.

We hope that we can be brave, flexible and powerful like the dragon, and can control our own destiny generation after generation. Dragon is considered to be evil and dangerous in western culture, which shows that Westerners and Chinese have different understanding of the world. You don't think that different experiences will lead to different beliefs.

If we respect and tolerate cultural differences, it is always OK for us to share your passion for traditional Chinese culture. In order to commemorate generations of contributions, it will contribute greatly to economic and cultural development. Better understanding of Beijing Opera and Chinese culture and experiencing China's multi culture.





3:中国的传统服装,Australia's traditional clothing is similar to that of other westernized countries, because Australia has a warm climate, and the common summer clothing is usually composed of shorts, sleeveless shirts and T-shirts (shoes are equivalent to American flip flop hats. As people's awareness of skin cancer increases, people usually wear shoes equivalent to American flip flop hats, and there are a variety of these clothes "Traditional" Australian clothing can be said to be that of the Swagmans and Bushmen of the past. They wear trousers, button sleeves, sturdy leather boots and hats, and cork plugs are usually hung on the brim to prevent flies.




标签: 中国 八年级 作文 万能 传统

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