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关于”信念的小题目“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Small topic of faith。以下是关于信念的小题目的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Small topic of faith

Faith is the creation of human wisdom and plays an important role in human society. As the saying goes, if one's mind is full of bad ideas, it will not be full of any bad ideas. Anyone who has a firm belief can enjoy a colorful life, otherwise he will lose his life.

Faith is so important that it can change a person's fate. A mouse falls into a bucket of cream. The first mouse gives up quickly and drowns.

The second mouse refuses to give up. He struggled so hard that he finally scrambled the cream into butter and crawled out. Obviously, the latter mouse is a man with his own beliefs.

There is always hope in his eyes. He encourages him to fight, to fight, and never to fight. When he encounters difficulties, he gives up because an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty, while a pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity.

The first mouse is such a pessimist. He has no confidence in his life and becomes a slave to his fate. It can be seen that people with firm faith are likely to succeed and control their own life.





2:,Faith is very important, everyone needs to believe, because faith is like light, leading people forward in the dark. My belief is never to give up. No matter what, the hard times will always pass.

It helps me overcome many difficulties and make me who I am today. Life is not always like this. We will encounter various difficulties in our school days, we have learning problems, we always want to To be the best and make our parents proud of us, but it's not easy.

When we are independent, we may fail the exam from time to time. We have to face the problem of making a living. Most people will change jobs many times until they find a suitable job that I have confidence in in in high school.

I realize that no matter how hard I try, I can't always succeed. I told myself not to Give up, I will soon see the light, thanks to this belief, I became a strong girl, I am proud of myself.




3:信念的小题目,When I study hard, sometimes I will struggle because of my dream, but sometimes I will struggle for the dream. Good thing is that I progress step by step, I become stronger in the process of overcoming difficulties. As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.

We need to believe in our faith, which makes us stronger.




标签: 初三 作文 万能 题目

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