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关于”一件害怕的事“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A thing to fear。以下是关于一件害怕的事的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A thing to fear

A strange thing happened. When I came across a building for planting, I just walked and hummed happy songs. Then I saw someone riding a bicycle, singing a song of praying to God.

Two dogs were standing in the seat behind him. He seemed to be sinking. Everyone thought he was a freak, but I thought he might work for the church.




2:,Alan laston is an American who is interested in mountaineering. He is used to taking risks. This is one of the most exciting things about dangerous sports.

There are many times when he nearly died in an accident in April. When he was climbing in Utah that day, he found himself in a very dangerous situation. When he was climbing alone, his arm was caught by a heavy rock.

He was on the mountain because his arm could not move freely. He stayed there for five days hoping that someone could find him. But when his water ran out, he knew what he had to do to save his life God was not ready to die, so he cut his right arm in half with a knife, and then with his left arm, he wrapped himself in bandages to avoid bleeding too much.

He climbed down the mountain to ask for help. After losing his arm, he wrote a book called "between the rock and the hard place, which means being in a dilemma that you can't seem to get rid of. In this book, Allen talks about doing the right thing The importance of decision-making and the importance of being in it.

His love of mountaineering is so great that he has been climbing mountains all the time. Even after this experience, do we have the same spirit as Allen, so that before we find ourselves in rocks and difficult places, before we have to make possible means.




3:一件害怕的事,An interesting story happened to me. This Saturday is my aunt's birthday, so my family went to a restaurant to have dinner. After dinner, we were very happy.

We gave my aunt a gift. Then we set fire to cancer, sang birthday songs, and finally ate cake. I thought it was very interesting.




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