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关于”我的夏天“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My summer。以下是关于我的夏天的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My summer

Summer is my favorite season. I think I have good reasons to like summer, because one of my favorite things is that we don't have to wear multi-layer clothes. You will feel more relaxed and happy.

Even the whole world seems to be more relaxed and happy than it is in the dark winter. People are more outgoing and easygoing in summer. The second reason is that the temperature is good enough, and many outdoor activities are Outdoor activities, if I am shut up in winter by bad weather, I will be very upset, summer weather usually does not stop you from going out for a few days.




2:我的夏天,Summer comes for you, may I be for you Emily Dickinson (Fang) Fong summer, may I, when summer flies, your music remains, when nightingales and Orioles bloom for you, I will jump over the grave, line up my flowers, pray for me to gather anemone, your flowers, forever.




3:我的夏天,Summer is coming, and I'm very happy, because it's my favorite season. Thick leaves and cicadas sing songs. I can swim in poor places, watch the sun shine on me, I lie on the beach, I can surf, play volleyball with my family and so on.

It must be very interesting. I think I'll have a good time. I like summer very much.




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