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关于”对太空探索的成就“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Achievements in space exploration。以下是关于对太空探索的成就的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Achievements in space exploration

In today's world, the superpowers have invested a lot of money in space technology, and hundreds of space vehicles have been launched: the first satellite, the spaceship at that time, the space shuttle now, some people think that advanced space technology is a symbol of national strength, and we should support its development. Some people just want to know: what is the return on investment of billions of dollars, Space is a huge waste of money. First of all, the space race did not relieve the suffering of millions of people suffering from serious diseases, poverty and war.

Some countries just want to explore space to maintain the status quo. They believe that the more space launches, the more powerful a country is. Humans have been playing many different power games for centuries: War, cold war, allies, nuclear weapons and the space race are just extensions of the competition for power on earth.

Second, after so many years of exploration, scientists still have no breakthrough, although they are unlikely to find a suitable one Planet, human beings can live on it. Our money has been invested in space countless times, but up to now, we still haven't got a satisfactory result. It feels like a man bought a very expensive cloth at the cost of selling his own bed.

Therefore, we should first consider the basic needs of human beings. In short, space race is a waste, even if we are We should pay more attention to the needs of today's world. Only in this way can our world become better and our life better.




2:,Human beings have been infatuated with outer space for thousands of years. Now it is more than 40 years since man first landed on the moon. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of time and money.

They point out that space research costs billions of dollars, but it brings back a little bit of information. However, every coin has two sides, and most people think that space exploration has more advantages. I agree with them.

Many new products, such as meteorological satellites and communication satellites, are also the products of the space program. They have benefited people all over the world, and human beings have obtained the information about space exploration We believe that the scientific knowledge of outer space will bring more benefits in the future, which is even beyond our imagination. Now space exploration is a challenge to mankind, which is why some countries are constantly exploring space.




3:对太空探索的成就,Recently, students in our class discussed whether space is worth exploring. We think it is not. They think that space is too far away from us and our daily life, and the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the problems of hunger and pollution on the earth.

Many of us think that space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it Satellite communication and weather forecast are used. Moreover, with the deepening of space research, one day we can solve the population problem by moving to other planets. Space research will enable us to find new energy to solve the problem of energy shortage on earth.




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