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关于”家乡特产“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Hometown specialty。以下是关于家乡特产的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hometown specialty

There are many specialties in my hometown. Let me introduce you one with yellow skin, pitted skin, uneven skin, peeling skin, showing its fruit. It is wearing a pink coat.

If you take off his coat gently, you will find its white skin and light and fresh fragrance. If you have a taste, sweet and delicious, oh I give you a riddle about jute children, red curtains, and living with a white haired man. Guess what I told you, this is a specialty of our hometown, peanuts.

It can squeeze and supplement the vitamins and minerals we lack. It also has medical functions It can nourish blood. It is not only general, it is delicious, but also can be eaten in several ways.

If you eat fried food and put some salt, it is crispy and delicious. For example, when it is cooked, it is only a word, "tender" is particularly sweet. It can also be made into peanuts.

There are many specialties in our hometown, such as pear, walnut, cotton and sesame oil Over, they're waiting for you to explore.




2:家乡特产,Love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jackie.

He is 38 years old. He likes playing basketball. My mother, Joey, is a teacher.

Yes, you are right. My mother is very kind and good. She is 37 years old.

My mother always works hard. I love my parents. On Tuesdays and Sundays, I often go to the library to play piano, My father sometimes goes to play basketball.

We watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family because I am happy to live with my parents.



满分英语范文; China has a vast land and national culture, China's food culture is also very rich, each place has its own unique snacks and characteristics people come from all over the world, what is the specialty of your hometown? Why don't you share with others that one day when people come to your hometown, they will have delicious ideas.

3:家乡特产,We all say that our hometown is very beautiful, talk about the delicious snacks and special dishes of our hometown


大家都说我们的家乡很美,说说家乡的美味小吃和特色菜 中国有广袤的土地和民族文化,中国的饮食文化也很丰富,每个地方都有自己独特的小吃和特色 人来自四面八方,你家乡的特产是什么?为什么不跟别人分享有一天别人来你的家乡,他们会有好吃的想法。


标签: 六级 英文 翻译 作文 家乡

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