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关于”你在洗碗“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Are you doing the dishes。以下是关于你在洗碗的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Are you doing the dishes

Yesterday, after dinner, I took the initiative to say to my mother: "Mom, I'll do the dishes." my mother said with a smile: "OK." after I heard about it, I immediately picked up a bowl, put it in the water, and then put some of the first bowl of water, and then pushed some sponges out of the xidiling plate. Then I took the sponge and turned the bowl with one right hand. The sponge in the bowl dropped after wiping a little oil After that, I wiped it out again.

Finally, it was wiped away by the water. I washed a bowl of it. In this way, I washed all the bowls.

My mother praised that I was clean. My heart is sweeter than honey. I also want to do more in the future.

I want to do what I can to help my mother have an industrious child at home, so that my mother can have more rest and peace of mind.




2:你在洗碗吗,Dishwasher some people have dogs or cats as pets. A woman in New York has a monkey as her pet. This monkey does the dishes for women every day.

He does the dishes for women. He never breaks the dishes. Sometimes he washes the same dishes over and over again.

If a woman tries to stop him, he gets angry and he starts to throw the dishes around, but that doesn't happen very often. The husband of a woman is happy with the monkey. The husband never has to help his wife wash the dishes.

The monkey does all these jobs. The husband says he doesn't understand how anyone, a person or a monkey, likes washing dishes so much.




3:你在洗碗,Yesterday, after dinner, I took the initiative to say to my mother: "Mom, I'll do the dishes." my mother said with a smile: "OK." after hearing this, I immediately picked up a bowl, put it in the water, and then put some of the first bowl of water, and then pushed some sponges out of the xidiling plate. Then I took the sponge and turned the bowl with a right hand. The sponge in the bowl dropped after wiping a little oil After that, I rubbed it outside again.

For the last time, it was wiped away by water. I washed a bowl and it was washed according to this method. I washed all the bowls.

My mother praised that I had washed it very clean. My heart is more than eating sweet honey. I think I should do more things in my power to help my mother's family have an industrious child, so that my mother can have more rest A little peace of mind.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 年级 满分

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