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Divorce is changing the lives of American children. In the past generation, more than% of children grew up with both parents having their own parents. Today, only half of the children do this.

Every year, more than one million children experience family disruption: about the same number of children are born out of wedlock, and these problems are related to family disruption, although public spending remains high, On the whole, however, the health status of children has declined. The suicide rate of teenagers has nearly tripled, the juvenile crime rate has tripled, and the violence has become more and more serious. Judith, a clinical psychologist Wallerstein) began interviewing middle-class children in the San Francisco area.

When their parents broke up, she found that children seemed to perform worse five years after the break-up. Her research showed that more than a third of children experienced moderate or severe depression at the age of

10, and a considerable number of them, at many years of age, were now adults with problems and erratic behavior Studies of uncertain, underachievers, and efforts to build strong love relationships have shown that girls in single parent families are more likely than girls in two parent families to have teenage marriage, illegitimate birth and divorce, which is a fact, regardless of race or income. In addition, children with broken families are almost twice as likely to drop out of school as two parent families.

Boys in high school are more likely to drop out of school than girls and are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior. Over the past few years, Americans have conducted a wide range of natural experiments in family life. The results show that adults benefit from these changes, but they are not actually children.

This may be the first generation to be worse psychologically and socially than their parents. Novelist Pat Conroy observes that "every divorce is the death of a small civilization", no one can compare it Children feel it more strongly.


离婚正在改变美国儿童的生活在过去的一代人中,超过%的儿童在父母双方都有亲生父母的情况下成长,今天只有一半的孩子会这样做,每年都有超过100万的孩子经历家庭破裂:大约有同样多的孩子是非婚生的,这些问题与家庭破裂有关尽管公共开支一直居高不下,但总体上,儿童的健康状况却有所下降,青少年自杀率几乎增加了两倍,青少年犯罪率增加了两倍,暴力行为也越来越严重。临床心理学家朱迪思·沃勒斯坦(Judith Wallerstein)的工作人员开始在旧金山地区采访中产阶级儿童当他们的父母分手时,她发现孩子们在分手xx年后的表现似乎更糟,她的研究显示,超过三分之一的孩子在xx岁时经历了中度或重度的抑郁,其中相当一部分人在很多岁时,现在已经成年了,有问题、飘忽不定、成绩不佳,努力建立自己牢固的爱情关系的研究表明,单亲家庭中的女孩比双亲家庭的女孩更容易发生青少年婚姻、非婚生和离婚的风险,这是事实,无论种族或收入如何。此外,家庭破裂的孩子辍学的可能性几乎是双亲家庭的两倍高中男生辍学的风险比女生大,而且更容易发生攻击性行为。



2:,From the chart, in recent years, China's divorce rate has risen sharply. The annual divorce rate is only 1000 pairs, and the divorce rate has increased to 10000 pairs. The divorce rate is about times of the high divorce rate.

It has a negative impact on both individuals and society. More and more divorces have led to the breakdown of many families and have brought profound emotional problems to divorcees, which may affect their work , study and life. Children are the direct victims of their parents' tragic marriage.

They have to face many bad problems of their parents. The high divorce rate is a big social problem. If not properly solved, it may cause social instability.

People should pay more attention to the problems caused by the high divorce rate. Although divorce is a kind of legal act, marriage is a big event in any case. Those who want to divorce should think twice before making a decision.

Considering the possible harm to their children, single parents can't provide a healthy environment for their children to grow up. Of course, if they can't really solve some problems in marriage, in my opinion, divorce is the necessity of unhappiness in marriage But it turns out.





3:离婚,At first glance, the rising divorce rate is a social phenomenon. Further analysis seems to be a retrogression of social civilization. It is not difficult to see the socio-economic reasons for this phenomenon in the past.

Marriage was restricted by family background in the past. Some talented people could not find their sweetheart's spouse because of their family background. Some people were reluctant to get married.

Such marriage could not bring happiness because of the time They have higher and higher requirements for the development of their soul and body than ever before. They associate love more with respect and admiration than with passion. Some people are too young.

They fall in love when they are passionate. They get married. This is an irresponsible attitude that young people prefer to choose.

It is better to depend on each other. The open policy makes it easy for them to unite and separate. More and more people are getting rich.

More and more money threatens the stability of marriage. Some people spend money like land to pursue a beautiful year As a result, more families go bankrupt and money can't buy true love and happiness, http://wwwwenglishnet/bbs/showbbsaspbd=7&id=&totable=1http ://wwwwenglishnet/bbs/showbbsaspbd=7&id=&totable=1.




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