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Haroun Tazieff, Polish scientist, devoted his life to studying active volcanoes and deep caves around the world. He went to Lake Kivu in the Congo and observed one that he later named Kituro He set up his own camp very close to the volcano when the volcano erupted violently. Although he managed to take many wonderful pictures, he couldn't stay near the volcano for a long time.

He noticed that a liquid rock was coming at him, threatening to surround him completely. But Tazieff managed to escape in time and waited until the volcano Quiet down, he was able to come back two days later, and he managed to climb into the mouth of the Kituro River to take pictures and measure the temperature. Taziv often risks his life, and in this way he can tell us more about volcanoes than anyone alive.


Haroun Tazieff,波兰科学家,他毕生致力于研究世界各地的活火山和深邃的洞穴。年,他去了刚果的拉克基夫(LakeKivu),观察了一座后来被他命名为基图罗·塔齐夫(Kituro Tazieff)的新火山,他在火山猛烈喷发的时候,在离火山非常近的地方建立了自己的营地,尽管他设法拍摄了许多精彩的照片,他不能在火山附近呆很长时间他注意到一条液态岩石正在向他袭来,它威胁着要把他完全包围,但塔齐夫设法及时逃走了,他一直等到火山安静下来,两天后他又能回来了,他设法爬进基图罗河口,以便拍照和测量温度。塔齐夫经常冒着生命危险,通过这种方式,他能告诉我们比任何活着的人更多的关于火山的情况。


A volcano is a place where molten rock, gas, and pyroclastic debris from the earth's surface (or any other planet or moon surface) erupt through the earth's crust. The structure of volcanoes varies greatly. Some are cracks in the earth's crust, some are the places where volcanoes erupt, some are domes, shields, or mountain buildings with craters at the top of the mountain.




Haroun Tazieff, Polish scientist, devoted his life to studying active volcanoes and deep caves around the world. He went to raquekivu in Congo to observe a new volcano, which he later named kiturotazieff, and was able to set up a camp very close to the volcano when it erupted violently. Although he managed to take many wonderful pictures, he could not stay near the volcano for a long time.

He noticed that a liquid rock was attacking him, threatening to encircle him completely. But taziev escaped in time. He waited until the volcano was quiet and came back two days later.

He managed to climb into the mouth of the Kituro River to take pictures and measure the temperature. Ziev often risked his life and told us more about volcanoes than anyone alive.


Haroun Tazieff,波兰科学家,他毕生致力于研究世界各地的活火山和深洞。年,他去刚果的拉凯基武观察一座新火山,后来他把这座火山命名为基图罗塔齐耶夫(kiturotazieff)能够在火山猛烈喷发时在离火山非常近的地方建立营地。尽管他设法拍摄了许多精彩的照片,但他不能呆在附近火山很长一段时间他注意到一条液态岩石正向他袭来,威胁要把他完全包围,但塔齐耶夫及时逃走了,他等到火山安静下来,两天后才回来,他设法爬进基图罗河口,以便拍照和测量温度。



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