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关于”住校的利弊“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of living on campus。以下是关于住校的利弊的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of living on campus

This advantage: having more study time, not having to waste time every day on the way to school or home, practice our independence in dealing with things. Advantages: without parental control, some students can't study hard, the learning environment has changed, some students may be interrupted by others, less time to accompany our parents.




2:,The advantages and disadvantages of living in dormitories are as follows: advantages: it's very convenient for us to communicate with other students, and it also gives us the opportunity to learn how to cooperate with others. Whether in daily life or in study, it can let us have a regular schedule every day, which may give you good memories in your life. Advantages: if you live in the dormitory for a long time, you can Will miss your parents and relatives.




3:住校的利弊,More and more students prefer to live off campus rather than on campus. Now there are two opposing views on the life outside school. One view is that renting a house outside school is better.

Compared with the first one, I think that living outside the school has more disadvantages than advantages. I want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting out of school. First of all, if you live outside school, time management is easier, because students can make their own plans about when to get up, when to go to bed, and what to do Second, students can have a free lifestyle.

They can cook at home, play games, watch movies and do whatever they want to do. This is impossible, or at least it is inconvenient to live on campus. Finally, renting a house can help students learn how to do Living alone can help them learn to control their own behavior.

The disadvantages are also obvious. Students living outside school may be unsafe without the supervision and help of school staff. Secondly, students have no help.

Some students may not be able to control themselves well. They may be addicted to computer games or even gambling, because no one will control them at last Equally important, renting out of school should be more expensive. In short, it's hard to say whether life outside school is good or bad.

It is reasonable to say that it depends on the characteristics of the student. If he / she can control himself / herself well, it may be a good idea. Otherwise, living on campus may be an appropriate way of life.






标签: 小学 英文 作文 利弊 满分

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