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关于”试适用的短语“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Try the applicable phrases。以下是关于试适用的短语的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Try the applicable phrases

Last week, I had my final exam, and some of my classmates seemed nervous about it. They had dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite and so on. I agree that we should take exams seriously, but if we plan ahead of time, we don't have to worry about exams so much.

First of all, I have three suggestions. We should make a proper plan to review what we have learned before the exam, so as to avoid making final preparations for the exam. Second, during the exam, we should have enough rest.

We want to stay up late, but it will affect our ability to get good grades in the third exam. Before going to bed, we should take a hot bath or drink a cup of hot milk, which can help us sleep well. What is the house you dream of? My classmate has a good idea.

He wants to build a seaside villa in front of the villa In front of the villa is a courtyard and a garden, another courtyard and a swimming pool. The ground floor of the villa is a hall. On the left side of the hall is a living room.

On the right side is a computer room. The study on the first floor is six bedrooms. Each bedroom is equipped with a bathroom.

The villa is equipped with modern equipment, such as computer-operated security alarms, elevators, video phones and automatic doors.





English corner, found that college students, foreigners, participation, activities, experience, opportunities, communication, extensive, talk, improve. This is because in addition to practice, I want to do my best after 1 April 1. This morning, I went to the English corner in the park near my home.

It has been established for three years, and many middle school students, college students and foreigners have participated in this Activities, people practice speaking English by talking about some interesting things. People also exchanged experiences in English learning. I think it's a good opportunity to use my English.

When I go home, I think it's cool. I will try my best to learn English well because English is widely used in the world. It's very interesting.

I went to an English corner in a park near my home this morning. There are many students and foreign friends in the English corner. The English corner was founded three years ago.

I think we can not only practice speaking English, but also make a lot of foreign friends. We talked about some interesting things and exchanged views. My English has improved since I became a member of the English corner.






British physician who discovered the role of blood circulation and heart in promoting blood circulation. Therefore, he refuted Galen's theory and laid the foundation of modern physiology. Demotocortis was severely criticized by his contemporaries.

However, this was not his later general recognition of his contribution, but the GRE problem..


英国内科医生,他发现了血液循环和心脏在推动血液循环中的作用,因此,驳斥Galen的理论,奠定现代生理学的基础,德莫托科尔迪斯受到了同时代人的严厉批评,但这并不是他后来对他的贡献问题的普遍认可,而是GRE问题GRGRE GRE。。


标签: 高一 英文 作文 满分 短语

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