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关于”军训“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Military training。以下是关于军训的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Military training

September is the time for students to go to school. For freshmen, they need to take part in military training at the beginning of the semester. This is a difficult period for them, because they are princes and princesses at home.

Now they need to be burned in the scorching sun. How terrible it is. But military training is good for freshmen.

They should learn to be strong. They should bear the scorching sun and obey orders at home In comparison, most students will give orders to their parents. They are spoiled by their parents.

But when they get to school, they need to live alone, so they must learn to get along with others when they encounter difficulties. Sometimes they need to overcome difficulties. Military training teaches students to be a strong man no matter what difficulties they encounter.




On my first day of high school, I was told that the freshmen would take part in military training. I felt very scared because in summer, the sun was very hot, and I would be burned like a black man, but the freshmen could not refuse to participate in military training. The military training lasted for a week.

In the first two days, we stood in the hot sun, walking on the playground and singing was very difficult. But in the following days, we got used to it and began to enjoy free time. All the students were like a group.

We trained together, we sweated and played at night. When I think of these days, we will sing on the playground, I will Smiling, take these military training days as my unforgettable memory in my life.




At present, most students must take part in military training, including some primary school students. Different people have different opinions. Some people think it is unnecessary because they think that students should study hard instead of training like soldiers.

But I think it is necessary because military training is good for us in many aspects. First, it can strengthen our body. Second, it can develop Developing our character and eventually training can help us learn how to face difficulties, and we can learn to be responsible for what we do.




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