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关于”地震募捐“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Earthquake Fundraising。以下是关于地震募捐的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Earthquake Fundraising

Although it has been a long time since the earthquake, there are touching and moving deeds in the process of earthquake relief work. Lin Hao, who is always in the hearts of every Chinese youth, is the heroic youth when the Wenchuan earthquake happened. The young Lin Hao quickly transferred other students to the teaching building, instead of running.

This time, he was crushed under the ruins, under the ruins of the year Light Lin Hao showed his age is not commensurate with his maturity, his body organized his classmates to sing under the ruins to boost morale. After two hours of hard struggle, Lin Hao, who was small in stature, finally climbed the ruins because of the comfort of the female students who were too frightened to cry. However, several ten students in his class were buried under the ruins, a 9.5-year-old Lin Hao did not run away in fear, but once again delved into the ruins and started rescue.

After a difficult rescue, the young Lin Hao left the ruins with two classmates on his back. In the rescue process, the young Lin Hao had multiple injuries on his forehead and upper body, which made him feel afraid of life danger again and did not fall down in the collapse. It was a year when I was the monitor Light Lin Hao's faith in his heart, he is the monitor, he thinks he should go to the rescue, help students, this kind of thinking for others many for their own quality is praiseworthy, the earthquake relief work heroes that kind heart, melted the ice of society, they are not worth it? We envy them, not worth our learning.




In the car: stop as fast and safely as possible and stay in the car to avoid the falling impact of objects hidden under the seat. If something falls on the car, when the vibration stops, you can be protected. Pay attention to the obstacles and possible dangers: damaging cables, damaging roads and collapsing bridges outdoors: when lying on the ground outdoors, you don't have to run.

It will fall down, or you can If you are ready to go outdoors and do not return to the building, any building caused by the earthquake is not very reliable for the first time. If a slight vibration occurs again, the building will collapse to the top of asphalt, which is safer and the earthwork is easy to fall. If it is damaged by thousands of tons of soil blocks or Rock crushing (they have terrible speed, very small, lucky to roll in places like balls, and the same chance of survival becomes a beach location for survival: as long as there is no proper safety under the cliff, but because tsunamis come frequently with earthquakes, they leave the beach as soon as the shaking stops and move to higher open areas.

The risk of aftershocks is not as terrible as a tsunami.




Earthquake is one of the most serious natural disasters in the world. The ground vibration caused by the sudden rupture and movement of a large area of the earth's rock crust is very terrible. The Wenchuan earthquake in and the Japan earthquake in are the most serious earthquakes in recent years.

The earthquakes caused huge casualties and property losses, but almost no direct deaths were caused by the earthquakes. Many of the casualties in the earthquake are caused by falling objects and the collapse of buildings.




标签: 高考 作文 地震 满分

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