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关于”秋天的特点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Characteristics of autumn。以下是关于秋天的特点的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Characteristics of autumn

Autumn can be said to be a season of fruit, nuts and seeds, full of colorful colors, the shapes and methods plants use to transmit the next generation for the next year. These pleasures are gratefully harvested by many species, who want to accumulate fat reserves for migration or hibernation - they are also popular with us, but don't worry, because there is usually enough food to eat Many animals and birds eat, such as blackberries, rose berries, raspberries, Begonia, Begonia, elderberry and hawthorn, while acorns are the favorite of squirrels and squirrels, they will store them, or "store" them, for the winter don't forget the school classic, the brown seeds of chestnut tree provide children with hours of childhood fun to discover the top nuts, seeds and berries from B BC Countryfile magazine looking for September information.


秋天可以说是盛产水果、坚果和种子的季节,到处都是五彩缤纷的色彩,植物为下xx年传播下一代所采用的形状和方法这些快乐是许多物种感激地收获的,它们希望为迁徙或冬眠积累脂肪储备——它们也很受我们欢迎,但不要担心,因为通常有足够的食物可以供许多动物和鸟类食用,比如黑莓、玫瑰果、树莓、海棠、海棠、接骨木和山楂,而橡子是松鼠和松鼠的最爱,它们会把它们储存起来,或“贮藏”起来,为冬天别忘了学校的经典,栗子树的褐色种子为孩子们提供了数小时的童年乐趣去发现顶级的坚果、种子和浆果从bbc countryfile杂志寻找xx月份的信息。


Kangaroos are marsupial, reddish brown or golden marsupial marsupials. Their pups are very underdeveloped at birth, about the size of kidney beans. From the mother's birth canal, along a track on the fur she licked and prepared, to her pouch, kangaroo's nipples will swell on its mouth, so that it will not be accidentally taken away during the mother's movement.

Mother kangaroo can feed two different age kangaroos with different milk at the same time to meet the nutritional needs of each kangaroo. When their ears are pointed up, they can move in many different directions, paying attention to potential dangers. They have big hind legs and long feet, and they can jump for long distances, and they don't get tired, because jumping actually refills the lungs as they move, so energy consumption is minimal.

There are different sizes of kangaroos. They are classified by size.





Autumn is the third season of the year. There are three months in autumn: July, August and September. It's cool in autumn.

Sometimes it's windy. I can wear my jacket and jeans. I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends.

There are a lot of fruits in autumn, such as apples, bananas, oranges and Mid Autumn Festival. I also like autumn very much.




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