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关于”意外之财“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Unexpected wealth。以下是关于意外之财的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unexpected wealth

It was Saturday. Mr. Li wanted to go fishing.

He put a fishing rod on his shoulder. His dog was chasing him. But he forgot that his bicycle was out of order.

He didn't fix it. He was so excited that he couldn't look at the bus and ears carefully. A truck came by.

He didn't notice that he had been hit by the truck, so he threw it away. His bike broke down and a lump appeared on his forehead.




The hostess is going to have a party to entertain guests at home. She was very busy early in the morning, dusting the furniture, mopping the floor, cleaning the tables, chairs and windows. She was so tired that her back ached, and the swseat on her forehead dropped.

She didn't clean the house until dusk. Looking at the clean and tidy living room, she was relieved and smiling. The guests want to put a bunch of flowers in the vase.

As soon as the hostess entered the living room, she rushed to the door to meet the guests. They were attracted by the flowers and were overjoyed. They cheered and exclaimed: "Oh, what a beautiful flower", "how bright and fragrant it is." once you look at it, "life is full of fun".

Then they continue to thank the hostess with an embarrassed smile I'm glad you like it. Thank you for your compliment. I'm a little surprised.

I did make detailed arrangements for your honor. I've been busy cleaning and wiping the flowers in the vase all day. It's a piece of cake.

I just raised my hand. Now you don't know my efforts and highly praise my easiest effort. It's beyond my expectation.





One afternoon, after class, the students swarmed out. The teacher ran to the playground, and the whole playground began to boil. The students began to play their favorite games, such as jumping rubber bands or bouncing a ball.

Some of the students who were playing football Xiaogang held a football and used a foot. The wind of the ball swung forward and just hit his head. He only heard a "Oh" Xiaoming Holding his head, groaning on the ground, he was scolded: which bastard, if I was caught, I would kill him.

Xiaogang saw his eyes, stood there scared, pale, at a loss what to do, or jumped for a few seconds, who knows he is a more iron hearted person, if he knows, that is not, you should apologize to him, he does not know the right When did I see the figure of the teacher? Ha ha, the teacher often told us that in order to be honest and trustworthy, Xiaogang saved Xiaogang and summoned up the courage to go. Xiaoming was patrolled by Xiaoming, looking for "committing a crime". Seeing Xiaogang running away, he thought, he was still a good friend.

When he saw that he was in trouble, he comforted himself that there might be "pulling out a sword to help" to find the "troublemaker", but the situation was not satisfactory Kuang is not small. Xiaogang came up to him and said with shame, "I'm sorry Xiaoming, I accidentally kicked the ball into your head. I didn't mean to.

Please forgive me. Let's continue to be friends." how did you do it? "Xiaoming was ashamed of Xiaogang and swallowed it after half a word." it doesn't matter. We are good friends, but we must be careful in the future.

Today, thanks to hitting my head, or However, "Ding Dang bell" a rapid ring, the playground has been restored to the past calm http://wwwcsktwxnet/.




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