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关于”一部机器人的电影“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A robot movie。以下是关于一部机器人的电影的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A robot movie

I have a robot. My father bought me a robot called Dr. IQ from America.

It is an intelligent robot. It is about one meter high, with a round head and silver gray body. He is a magical robot.

He can chat with me and play many songs I like to listen to. But the most special thing about him is that he can draw a picture and draw a special picture Well, because I can draw, I'm very happy sometimes. When I can't draw human body and scenery, he will teach me how to draw this shape, how to use color, how to draw eyes and mouth, etc.

He has solved many problems for me, so my painting level has been improved a lot. I want to thank my robot and my intelligence quotient.




2:机器人电影,Some scientists have never thought about how far the robots can replace the human beings in the movies that some scientists have never done before Tell people that they may lose their dominant position in the future. Recently, a robot was granted citizenship, and it became the first robot to be treated as human beings. The public was shocked.

But when they saw that robots could communicate with human beings and question the importance of it, they felt very scared. Maybe in the future, robots will replace us in many ways.




3:一部机器人的电影,A robot. I dream of a robot. The robot will have two brains and ten hands, because it can do a lot of things at the same time.

It can help my mother do housework, so that my mother can relax when she comes home. Robots can help me solve problems that are difficult for me to solve. They can teach me like a teacher.

I will like this robot because it can help a lot of our families.




标签: 高二 英文 高分 作文 机器人

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