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关于”学好“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:learn from good examples。以下是关于学好的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:learn from good examples

There are many things you can do. You have a good grade, but you are angry, so you should get along with your classmates. This will make you a lot of friends, and these people will be your best friends.

isn't it? I hope that you can help them out when they have problems all night long. I hope you can help them when they are not happy.




2:,Nowadays, English is a necessary language for Chinese students. Most parents attach great importance to English education. They think that English education can help their children gain advantages.

Undoubtedly, English is very important, but Chinese is ignored. Chinese is the language spoken by most people around. With the rapid development of China's economy, the whole world is paying attention to China, and many foreigners have already After learning Chinese, they want to do business with Chinese people and seek cooperation.

Although Chinese is our mother tongue, we still have to master it, otherwise we will be kicked out of the country.




3:学好,In modern society, English is very important to us, so how can we learn English well? First of all, I think we should listen to the teacher carefully in class, and then reading English every day is also very important. Watching more English movies can improve your listening and reading ability. Remembering popular lyrics is a good way to practice your reading skills.

When you have questions, don't forget to ask your teacher how you learn English.




标签: 雅思 高分 作文 范文

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