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关于”这是一个特殊的寒假“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:This is a special winter vacation。以下是关于这是一个特殊的寒假的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:This is a special winter vacation

Monday, January 1st is a special day. Today is new year's day. When I got up, I heard someone singing love songs.

My mother felt very strange because my new mother didn't like pop songs. I thought it was inappropriate for my middle-aged mother to sing any love songs. What's more, my father sang "everything" with my mother.

Later, I noticed a box on the table with a small card on it. I looked at it carefully and realized that today was their wedding anniversary. That's why they were so happy when they saw their happiness.

I was also very happy.




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3:这是一个特殊的寒假,(my special winter vacation) I have a special winter vacation this year. At the beginning of the winter vacation, I spent a lot of time learning computer. I went to Dafeng to study for a week.

I will live and study there. This is great, because I can learn more knowledge and how to take care of myself. Every morning, I make a lot of friends from all over Jiangsu Province.

After breakfast, I go to the classroom. This classroom is different from ours. It's the auditorium of their school.

We have to go there early to find our own seats. One day, you don't have a fixed seat. I go very late.

I have to sit there In the last row, I can't hear the teacher's voice clearly, just like in University, there is only one teacher talking with microphone at the teacher's desk. No one will care about you. Everyone will take notes seriously in the afternoon.

Sometimes we will go to the computer classroom to do homework. Homework is very difficult. We may not do anything, but after a while, when I think why I am When I want to come here, I will do my homework on the last day.

We have an exam. After three hours, I feel a little nervous. When the exam is over, I walk out of the computer room and go home with a smile.

I say to myself, "what a wonderful week.".




标签: 专升本 英文 作文 真题

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