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Chief executive officer (CEO it it it BT btp2p "BitTorrent",: "DIY diydo it yourseldiyer OEM OEM BBS BBS bulletin board system XP xpexperience Office XP ZT ZT ZT ZT" "PS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver DW ID ididentity, ID IP internet Internet ipip MSN Microsoft network, MSN, DJ DJ Disco, djhighmuisc URL uniform resource locator WWW, http://wwwxuyuanchicom/ova Mobile phone controller rapperpmcchotdogmcyanmchamer CS CS SOHO SOHO, smallofficehome officersoho bannerlogo banner, logo FTP FTP file transfer protocol PM private message bug The United States of America, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, the people's Republic of China, the people's Republic of China, the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, WTO, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, Civil Aviation Administration of China, organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Civil Aviation Administration College English Test Band 4 public English test system TOEFL English as a foreign language IELTS International English language test system information technology VCD video disc GPS Global Positioning System GSM global mobile communication system EMS express mail service www World Wide Web UFO UFO UFO DNA.


首席执行官(首席执行官IT IT信息技术bt BTP2P“BitTorrent”,:“”“diy DIYDo IT Yourseldiyer oem原始设备制造商bbs bbs公告板系统xp XPExperience Office xp ZT ZT ZT”“ps,Photoshops,DreamWeaverdw ID IDIDentity,ID IP InternetInternetIPIP msn MICROSOFT NETWORK,msn,DJ DJ迪斯科Jokikeydisco,DJHIGHMuisc URL统一资源定位器www,http://wwwxuyuanchicom/ova ova vip VIPVery重要人物mc手机控制器rapperpmcchotdogmcyanmchammer cs cs SOHO SOHO,SMALLOFFICEHOMEOFFICERSOHO bannerlogo BANNER,logo ftp ftp文件传输协议pm私人消息bug bug bug美国美利坚合众国英国英国英国中华人民共和国中华人民共和国联合国教科文组织联合国教育部,科学文化组织WTO世界贸易组织世界卫生组织中国民航局中国石油输出国组织民航管理局SARS:严重急性呼吸综合征艾滋病获得性免疫缺陷综合征牛海绵状脑病高考入学大学英语四级考试公共英语考试系统托福考试英语作为外语雅思国际英语语言测试系统信息技术VCD视频光盘GPS全球定位系统GSM全球移动通信系统EMS快递邮件服务WWW万维网不明飞行物不明飞行物飞行物DNA脱氧核糖核酸。


Disease anemia, anemia, angina pectoris, appendicitis, arthritis, bronchitis, cancer catarrh, chickenpox, cholera, cold, cold, diabetes, diphtheria, eczema, epilepsy, erysipelas, gangrene, rubella, gout headache, hemiplegia, hemiplegia, jaundice, dyspepsia influenza, influenza psychosis, leukemia, malaria, malnutrition, Maltese fever, measles migraine , splitting headache, myocardial infarction, mumps, neuralgia, neurasthenia, paralysis, peritonitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, poliomyelitis, rabies, rickets, scabies, pruritus, scarlet fever, sciatica, sclerosing septicemia, septicemia, sinusitis, smallpox, swamp fever, syncope, syphilis, tetanus, thrombosis, torticollis, cervical tuberculosis, tumor, typhus, Urtica Measles, pertussis, yellow tropics, herpes zoster (drugs).




I had to go home. Three men were talking about coincidence in the bar. The first man said that my wife was reading a story about two cities.

She had twins. The second man said my wife read three musketeers. She had triplets.

The third man said, "my God, when I'm asked what the problem is, I have to go home quickly." he said, "when I leave, I'll be happy My wife is reading Elba and the forty thieves.




标签: 高考 英文 高分 作文

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