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关于”五一的由来“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The origin of May Day。以下是关于五一的由来的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The origin of May Day

The Labor Day holiday passed quickly. On May 1st, we went to the zoo. It was very crowded, so many tourists from all over the country had a good time during the holiday.

On May 2, my parents and I went to visit relatives and had a big lunch together. On May 3, the restaurant was very crowded. We went shopping in the shopping mall.

After shopping, we went to see a new movie. I didn't go anywhere the rest of the day, not only because I had homework, but also because there were people everywhere.




The task of the second group is to collect the garbage left by tourists and clear the benches. My team went to the children's playground and cleaned all the equipment. When all the work was finished, my classmates met again.

Although everyone was sweating, they were happy because we had done well: Festival.


––-4志愿劳动一个人种树浇花第二组的任务是收集游客留下的垃圾,清理长椅。我所在的小组来到儿童游乐场,把所有的设备都擦干净。当所有的工作都完成时,我的同学们又见面了,虽然大家都在流汗因为我们做得很好而感到高兴: 节日。


The first Labor Day holiday was on September 2 in New York City. According to the plan of the Central Labor Union, the Central Labor Union held a second Labor Day holiday only one year later, and the first Monday of September was selected as a holiday. As originally proposed, the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate "workers' Day" on that day.

The idea spread with the development of the ILO, which is celebrated in many industrial centers across the country during labor day.




标签: 四级 英文 高分 作文

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