亡羊补牢的英语翻译 英语

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亡羊补牢的英语为"better late than never",还经常被译作 Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到82个与亡羊补牢相关的释义和例句。


1. better late than never

亡羊补牢翻译为better late than never。

示例:亡羊补牢,犹时未晚。 It is never too late to mend.


2. Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen

亡羊补牢翻译为 Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen 。

示例:为了法国好,让我们希望,亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 For France's sake let us hope it is not too late.


3. Better late than never./ It's never too late to mend

亡羊补牢翻译为 Better late than never./ It's never too late to mend 。

示例:好在,亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。 But it is not too late.


4. better late than never

亡羊补牢翻译为 better late than never 。

示例:Better late than never, Pop. 迟到比不到好 Better Iate than never, Pop.


英语短语&俚语, Better late than never ( 宁迟勿缺)

better late than never ( 亡羊补牢为时未晚 )

China Quality Supervision ( 从亡羊补牢到曲突徙薪 )

mend the hole ( 亡羊补牢的孔 )

It's never too late to learn ( 亡羊补牢犹未晚 )

mend the bike ( 亡羊补牢的自行车 )

See rabbit and dog LAB ( 亡羊而补牢 )


1. i'm happy i discovered it before it's potentially too late. Carson:

译文:我很庆幸亡羊补牢 为时不晚。

2. Boris, it is never too late to fix everything.

译文:波利亚 亡羊补牢 尤时未晚。

3. Never too late to start all over again.

译文:亡羊补牢永远不晚 Never too late to start all over again.。

4. This is the chance to do something right.


5. The high stakes is today, because you can do something about it.

译文:不过,亡羊补牢为时不晚, 因为我们还可以为此做些事情。 。

6. - Do you hear? Why don't you do something before it's too late?

译文:你们听到吗 为什么不亡羊补牢呢。

7. i'd say Dudley's tying up his loose ends.


8. if he realizes that i am alive, he will want to fix that mistake.

译文:如果他知道我还活着 他会想方设法亡羊补牢的 组织有我需要的资源。

9. You signed up for a chance to make good on a new watch.

译文:你来这里是为了 有个亡羊补牢的机会。

10. When the god dam ring called, man.


11. i knew they were transporting the virus. Tried to take it back.


12. Oh, well, have it your own way, Mr. Condomine... but i warn you that it's no good locking the stable door after the horse is gone.

译文:噢,那你就自生自灭吧 康德明先生 不过我警告你 亡羊补牢于事无补。

13. There's something ethereal about Your voice.

译文:很庆幸现在亡羊补牢 还为时未晚。

14. With the benefit of hindsight... maybe it wasn't such a hot idea.

译文:亡羊补牢... 也许不是什么太好的主意。

15. "A stitch in time saves nine."



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