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关于”我的鱼“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My fish。以下是关于我的鱼的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My fish

At the same time, the sky turned black, the breeze turned into a gale, the waves were higher, the rain slapped our faces, the temperature dropped, the thunder rumbled in the distance, the boat rocked like a cradle, and dad's face turned green. "I think I'm going down," he said, handing me the fishing rod to "take care of Benny." "he staggered across the deck and bent down to help the railing I feel seasick for Benny, but Dad won't, and the child is likely to be the next; the waves are really high. For a second, the boat seems to be standing on the top of the mountain.

Next time, it will jump into a valley. I hold on to the railing and watch the waves rise and fall. My stomach suddenly rises and a bitter taste comes up my throat.

I lean against the railing and lose my lunch. I have never been in my life So disgusting, my frozen goosebumps standing on my arm like grapefruit. Why didn't I wear a jacket? I suddenly realized that I hated fishing, especially the dead fish in the bait bucket.

They stink all over my nose, my head, my stomach. Lunch after breakfast "maybe you'd better go to the cabin, Joe, Benny says," I'll help you ";" I don't need anything Help ";" I need help ";" but I did. I was too weak, my legs were shaking, and I would never have crossed that rickety deck if Benny hadn't backed me up.

The child is stronger than he looks. He helped me down the steps and led me to the bench. Dad hung his head over his chest.

Dad looked at us briefly. Before I closed my eyes, I knew what he thought. It was warm in the cabin, but I was shaking all the time, and I tried not to let my stomach crawl into my mouth.

Benny took off his windbreaker and put it on my shoulder. "You'd better lie on the bench and put your head on my lap," he said. "I lay there on that miserable voyage.

When I finally stumbled off the boat, I said I would never leave the solid ground again. Dad said he felt the same way. I thank Benny's jacket and his thin thighs.

It made me sleepy Head made a pillow "no problem." Benny grinned and said, "what do brothers do?"; "make money" I pointed out that because of the storm, he was carrying a bundle of dollar bills, no one caught fish, so Benny won the first prize, and he deserved it.


与此同时,天空变黑了,微风变成了狂风,浪更高了,雨点拍打着我们的脸,气温下降,远处雷声隆隆,小船像摇篮一样摇晃着,爸爸的脸变绿了,“我想我要下去了,“他边说边把鱼竿递给我“照顾好本尼”;“他摇摇晃晃地穿过甲板,弯下腰去扶栏杆;我原以为班尼会晕船,但爸爸不会的,孩子很可能是下一个;海浪真的很高,现在一秒钟,船好像站在山顶上,下一次,它会跳进一个山谷,我紧紧抓住栏杆,看着海浪起起伏伏,我的胃突然起伏起来,一股苦味涌上喉咙我靠在栏杆上,把午餐弄丢了,我这辈子从来没有这么恶心过,我冻僵的鸡皮疙瘩像葡萄柚一样站在我胳膊上为什么我没有穿夹克衫我突然意识到我讨厌钓鱼,尤其是那些鱼饵桶里的死鱼,它们的臭味充斥着我的鼻子,我的头我的胃早餐后午餐 “也许你最好到船舱里去,乔,班尼说“我来帮你”;“我不需要任何帮助”;“我需要帮助”;“但我做到了,我太虚弱了,我的腿颤抖着,如果不是本尼支持我,我永远也不会穿过那张摇摇晃晃的甲板的。那孩子比他看上去更强壮。他帮我走下台阶,把我领到长凳上,爸爸把头垂在胸前, 爸爸短暂地盯着我们看在我闭上眼睛之前,我知道他是怎么想的。

机舱里比较暖和,但我一直在颤抖,我尽量不让我的胃爬进嘴里。本尼脱下他的风衣,把它搭在我的肩上,“你最好躺在长凳上,把头放在我腿上,“他说 我躺在那里度过那悲惨的航程,当我最终蹒跚下船的时候,我说我再也不会离开坚实的地面了爸爸说他也有同样的感受 我感谢本尼的夹克和他瘦削的大腿,它为我昏昏欲睡的头做了一个枕头 “没问题”本尼咧嘴笑着说:“兄弟是干什么的”;“赚钱”我指了指因为暴风雨,他带着一捆美元钞票,没人钓到鱼,所以本尼中了头奖,他活该。


Henry likes fishing. He fishes in the river near our house at night. He weaves lies with small wool and cotton wadding and ties them to the hook.

Then he goes down to the river on Saturday afternoon to fish until it is dark. There are always several people there who like fishing. They sit there quietly for hours.

Sometimes they catch some fish. Sometimes they don't One of them had a camera, so he took a picture of Henry and his big fish. Another time Henry fell into the river.

The grass was very slippery because there was some mud on it. When he pulled the line, he slipped and fell into the dirty water. Henry didn't swim, but the two fishermen recently were very good Pull him out, he ran home, his face muddy wool hook slippery.


钓鱼 亨利喜欢钓鱼他晚上在我们家附近的河里钓鱼,他用小毛线和棉絮编成谎言,把它们系在钩子上,然后在星期六下午下到河边钓鱼,直到天黑,那里总有几个人也喜欢钓鱼,他们都静静地坐在那里好几个小时有时他们钓到一些鱼有时他们没有‰一旦亨利钓到一条大鱼,他很高兴所有其他的渔夫离开他们的地方来看他的鱼,其中一个有一个照相机,所以他拍了一张亨利和他的大鱼的照片另一次亨利掉进河里,草很滑因为上面有一些泥,当他拉鱼线的时候,他滑了一跤掉进了脏水里,亨利没有游泳,但是最近的两个渔夫很快把他拉了出来,他跑回家,满脸泥巴 羊毛钩 滑泥滑   。


Bob likes fish very much. One day, his wife bought a fish. When he saw the fish, he took it home.

He was very happy that we could eat fish. When Bob came home in the evening, he found that there was no fish at all. His wife said, "Oh, the fish was eaten by the cat.

She gave Bob some bread for dinner.". Bob was very angry. He took the cat and his wife to a nearby shop and weighed the cat.

Then he said to his wife, this is one kilogram, and the fish is one kilogram. The cat is here, but where is my fish.




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