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Last week, my friend asked me to go to his hometown with her. She told me that her hometown was very beautiful, so I asked my parents for permission. They agreed that we decided to stay for a week.

I was very happy to leave home for the first time. I was like a bird, flying in the sky, breathing free air. But when the fourth day came, I began to miss my parents, especially when When night falls, the darkness makes me feel lonely.

I just want to be with my parents. Only then do I realize that home is sweet. My parents are the most lovely people.

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上周,我的朋友让我和她一起去他的家乡,她告诉我她的家乡非常美丽,所以我请求我的父母允许,他们同意我们决定呆一个星期,第一次离家让我很高兴,我就像一只鸟,在天空中飞翔,呼吸着自由的空气,但是当第四天来临时,我开始想念我的父母,特别是当夜幕降临,黑暗让我感到孤独,我只想和父母在一起,直到那时我才意识到家是甜蜜的,我的父母是最可爱的人,能回家对我来说是件好事http://wwwtingclassnet/showhtml我爱我的家人http://wwwtingclassnet/showhtmlMy最喜欢的运动跑步http://wwwtingclassnet/showhtmlhttp://wwwtingclassnet/showhtml 。


2:,Li Ming is a student. He has been living in Shanghai since he was born, but his grandfather lived in Taiwan. Because he went to Taiwan before the liberation of Shanghai, he was a businessman.

For about half a century, Li Ming's family did not know where he lived. They missed him very much. In October this year, his grandfather wrote a letter to them.

It was said that his grandfather would return to Shanghai on October, and Li Ming's parents Li Ming's family finally met on the way to the airport. They gave their grandfather a big hug. They were full of tears.

What a happy family they were together. Li Ming was one of my classmates. He lived in Shanghai for

15 years.

Li Ming's grandfather was a businessman. He had been in Shanghai for

15 years They have been living in Taiwan for 50 years. They have not heard from him for 50 years.

In October this year, they received a letter from his grandfather. From the letter, they learned that Li Ming's grandfather is still alive. When they received the letter, he would return to Shanghai on June.

Li Ming's father couldn't help crying. Half a century later, Li Ming's grandfather left the mainland. Li Ming's family are so excited that they can't sleep well.

On December, they finally met the old man they had been missing on their way to Shanghai airport.




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