Dance DB: NS] n, V, dance Ahd: [D? Ns] djdns] kkdns] V dance, dance, usually moving rhythmically with music, jumping or jumping with prescribed or improvised steps and gestures, excitedly flashing or twinkling: eyes dancing with joy, informally as if dancing with a swing: dancing around questions, swinging up and down a video recorder to engage in or perform (a dance that brings the dance to a specific state or state Dance: my partner has exhausted me with a series of rhythmic movements and steps, usually the art of dancing to music: [they] all define dance as: a physical form of spiritual activity (Susan Sontag) a party or party where people dance a ball, dance a circle or a circle: can I adapt this dance to a musical or A rhythmic accompaniment created or performed for dancing, or a dance action or instance. The Middle English daunsen is derived from the ancient French Danser Danser [may have originated from Germanic] dancer n dancing adv Dance 1 / DA: NS dans Dans / (a) [C] (a series of) movements and dance steps, synchronized with music: [attrib] learn new dance steps (b) [C] type Dance: Rumba is a Latin American dance, a round or a round of dance: a gypsy dance played on the violin (also called dance), and she wrote a book about social gatherings where people dance: dancing in country halls (IDM) )Lead someone to dance = >lead a song and dance = >dance band that plays music for dancing in a public dance hall and pay to enter the dance hall.
舞蹈dB:ns]n,v,dance dance AHD:[d²ns]DJdns]KKdns]v跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,通常随着音乐有节奏地移动,用规定的或即兴的步骤和手势跳跃或跳跃兴奋地出现闪光或闪烁:眼睛随着欢乐跳舞非正式地似乎跳跃摇摆:围绕问题跳舞上下摆动录像机从事或表演(一种舞蹈,使舞蹈达到特定的状态或状态跳舞:我的舞伴用一系列有节奏的动作和舞步把我跳得筋疲力尽,通常是伴随着音乐跳舞的艺术:【他们】都给舞蹈下了一个定义:一种身体形式的精神活动(苏珊·桑塔格)一个聚会或聚会,人们跳一个球,跳一圈或一圈舞:我可以把这个舞蹈改编成音乐剧吗或为跳舞而创作或演奏的有节奏的伴奏,或舞蹈的动作或实例中的中古英语daunsen daunsen源于古法国danser danser[可能起源于日耳曼]舞者n dancing adv dance 1/da:ns dAns dAns/(a)[C](一系列)动作和舞步,与音乐同步:[attrib]学习新的舞步(b)[C]类型舞蹈:伦巴舞是一种拉丁美洲舞蹈,一个回合或一个回合的舞蹈:一个用小提琴演奏的吉普赛舞蹈(也叫舞蹈),她写了一本关于人们跳舞的社交聚会的书:在乡村大厅举行舞会(idm)带领某人跳舞=>领导一支歌舞=>为跳舞演奏音乐的歌舞乐队dancehall n公共舞蹈厅,付费进入舞厅(舞会。
Dance is a kind of performing art, which uses the body to complete various elegant or difficult movements, usually accompanied by music. Rhythmic movements are the main means of artistic expression. It usually relies on music and other props / dance itself, and has a variety of social significance and functions, including sports, social intercourse / courtship, sacrifice, etiquette, etc Celebration, entertainment and other aspects all occupy an important position.
Dance originated from the slave society and formed its own characteristics in the Qin and Han Dynasties https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.
One day, when I came home from class, my mother said that she had something to tell me. I was very curious. She said to me that she wanted me to learn ballet.
I didn't know what it was. I agreed. But when I went to dance class for a week, I was depressed.
Ballet was too difficult for me. My body didn't listen to me. I thought I was too stupid.
I told my mother that I wanted to learn ballet She asked me why, I told her why. She said that everything was not easy to do. I should insist on it.
If I give up this time, I will do it next time. So I have to stick to it. Now, I don't think ballet is so difficult.
Although I haven't done it well, I can keep up with others. I know I shouldn't give up so easily.
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