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关于”介绍李宇春的水平“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduce Li Yuchun's level。以下是关于介绍李宇春的水平的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Li Yuchun's level

Huachenyu, the national champion of the new generation male singer "happy boy" in February, is a free singer on the stage of Wuhan Conservatory of music. His voice and expression are full of tension and his singing state is full of concentration. The judges and the audience applaud him.

He combines the lovely and shy temperament and is not good at words, but he won the "happy boy" all the way 》On September 9, "happy boy" with its solid performance skills, unique singing style and high popularity, is actively preparing the first single "I and I" of "happy boy" national tour concert.




"Warm spring" series is an ordinary, simple and touching story. Hua'er is a TV program of a poor child, which makes people cry heartbroken. Seeing the TV just left, people's sympathy, Xiaohua cries bitterly.

A seven-year-old orphan, whose grandmother passed away, was beaten and ran out by the unbearable boarder. She took her grandmother to her paper mill, a middle-aged man At present, when she went back to the village, everyone wanted to adopt her father. Finally, she went home.

But her grandfather's daughter-in-law really asked her son to invite a flower. Although her eyes were so considerate and sincere, she sent flowers to her hometown. Grandfather, how to send people back to Xiaohua, threatened floret with her eyes, and finally her grandfather had a small flower stove, and she even used two eggs In addition to the appearance, let's see what kind of love movie that says love is the love for Xiaohua's grandfather.

For all people, flower is love. What kind of love is love for everyone She is just a seven-year-old girl, I don't want to say this, but she really got my reason, this is a kind of magnanimous heart, and adopted her grandfather, they are so magnanimous to face others, disgusted with other people's gossip, in this society, they really found love, love, charity, this is the time But now these words seem to be the same as fame and interest. They wash my mind and tell me that the real definition of love is the kindness of a little girl, and the sensible melting of her son-in-law.

This is an idea. Don't hurt others and yourself, and you won't be attached to your own gods or selfish thoughts. This is the most pathetic materialism at present, We can only rely on the true meaning of experience, kindness, and believe that human nature should contend with it: no ups and downs, its simple beauty has moved many people, blood is thicker than water, and love is stronger than anything else.

It is the essence of human beings. It enables us to love life, love others, love ourselves, and make the world full of love.




~ Hua Chenyu once had a boy. He made everyone on earth crazy about you. He was a gorgeous boy.

He was cute and cute when he was auditioning. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of flip flops to find a job for him. He ate oranges on the stage in a unique way in a corner.

Hua Chenyu was embarrassed and said, "I'm Hua Chenyu. I'm from Hubei and Wuhan. The next song may be "It's a little Martian style." he played a silent song under the gaze of the audience and the judges.

Just half of the song, he stopped. However, the boy didn't give up. Instead, he sang and played the guitar at the hope of another judge.

The audience and the judges showed how cute and lovely this teenager was. Stay has been handsome and charming since the election He changed his old style and claimed to be a beautiful man in the city. People exclaimed that he was wearing a black vest and a pair of low glasses.

It seemed that he was "young and ignorant" in the world on his own journey. In my castle, only a few keys of a washing machine became his stumbling block, although his friends called him many times in the field, But he is still sitting, do not know how to face the monster in my eyes, he is always so fashionable tour in Hangzhou, he changed the style of the past, sang "rap", Mr. almost, I am born, I am naive, also represent me is a whore 'Mr' almost "sing his wild heart, H needs C needs Y", "and", "C needs Y", "and", "Mr.




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