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关于”吃鱼的原因“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Reasons for eating fish。以下是关于吃鱼的原因的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons for eating fish

As we all know, different countries have different table manners. Today, iafee5aebd likes to introduce something about Chinese table manners. In China, it is very necessary to learn table manners.

For example, you should not eat with knives and forks. Chinese people usually use chopsticks instead of food, but we should not insert chopsticks into the food. We should take up a bowl to eat.

We should let the old people eat first. We can talk on the table. But you can't talk too loud and laugh too crazy.

In China, table manners are not very serious, so you don't have to worry too much.




Fish hook and) a fish has other fish to fry (play a fish hit a fish swim like a fish for fish or cut bait fish (fishing with a silver hook fisherman's story (a fish wife about white gills) bite (get a rise (fish divea, fish don't stare at fish, meat, a pot of fish a pot of red herring pull red herring across the track April fish eat fish on Friday don't wet the fish. If you swear you won't catch fish. It was a stupid fish that used the same bait twice.

The best fish smell when they are three days old. The best fish swim near the bottom. The big fish ate up the small fish and took the risk to catch a big one.

Fish shy fish, cold fish, loose fish, poor fish, strange and strange fish drink like fish, stinky fish are all fish coming to the net, the fish head stinks, never teach fish to swim. The good fish in the sea always come out, just as the fish come out of the water. Feed the fish into the big fish in the small pond, fish in troubled waters, throw fish and catch whales.






The teacher asked Tom, "why did you come to school so late this morning" "someone lost a dollar?" he said, "Oh, now I know. You helped him find the money." the teacher said, "no, I stood on the money until the man left." Tom's answer was, "is a piece of paper helping VT VI trade help industry develop?" I can't help crying. Help yourself.


迟到的原因老师问汤姆:“今天早上你为什么这么晚来上学”“有人丢了一元钱”回答汤姆“哦,现在我知道了,你帮他找到钱了,”老师说“不,我站在钱上直到那个人走了,”汤姆的回答是“”“一张纸条帮助vt vi贸易有助于工业的发展吗?”帮你哭vt vi我忍不住哭了自救吧。


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