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关于”描述张艺兴“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Description Zhang Yixing。以下是关于描述张艺兴的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Description Zhang Yixing

Look at this picture. This is a picture of my family. We are having dinner.

On the left is my mother. The man next to me is my father. I think they are the best couple in the world.

In the middle of the picture are my grandmother and grandfather. They are very kind and loving. The youngest is me.

Can I love it.




Guiwei is a beautiful picture with changeable and mysterious flowing. The strong vitality makes the author with tenacious perseverance and self-confidence coincide. Therefore, the spirit is uplifted, and the long suppressed inner unyielding and proud mood is cathartic.

The author of "the voice is not so good" has made some careful changes to tan It makes the environment of the ancient wooden pond more beautiful and more suitable for the autumn moon view.




Yixing, whose stage name is Lei, was born in Changsha, Hunan Province, China on October 10. He won the championship in the NBA finals with "Star School" in Hunan Province. He became an intern of SM Entertainment, the largest entertainment company in South Korea.

In the dance performance of Japan's tour concert as an intern, Yixing's dancing strength was "exobiology" Zhang Yixing is good at guitar, piano and song creation in the team. He has excellent music cells and talents. He will create more musical talents in the future and strive to bring us more wonderful dance stage.

In the middle of December, Zhang Yixing attended the mini album main track "December miracle" The fans showed off their excellent piano.


宜兴,艺名雷,xx月xx日出生于中国湖南长沙,在湖南凭借“星校”在NBA总决赛中通过激烈选拔获得冠军成为韩国最大娱乐公司SM娱乐的实习生,惊心动魄的舞蹈实力在作为一名见习生的日本巡演演唱会舞蹈表演中,在为exobiology m和exobiology正式成员首次亮相之外,张艺星在团队内擅长吉他、钢琴和歌曲创作,拥有优秀的音乐细胞和才华的他也在不断突破自我,未来还将铸造更多的音乐才华,努力为我们带来更精彩的舞台xx月中间参加迷你专辑主打曲目《xx月奇迹》的大哥现场,张艺星向歌迷展示了其优秀的钢琴。


标签: 英文 九年级 作文 真题 年级

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