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关于”为贫困学生捐款“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Donate money to poor students。以下是关于为贫困学生捐款的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Donate money to poor students

If you study in University, have you noticed that some students are living in a difficult economic environment, they have encountered many difficulties in completing higher education, because they are very poor, their life is almost unknown to outsiders, some people rarely buy clothes, and some people can't afford train tickets to go home on vacation. These poor students are not only physically but also mentally Suffering from difficulties, they are worried about tuition fees and living expenses. Some even have mental imbalance after school.

Many people have to work part-time, which makes them unable to study and may make them fail to perform well or drop out of school. Nevertheless, many people are very diligent and ready. We can't just sympathize with them.

Banks should provide them with interest bearing loans. All sectors of society should also give them necessary assistance to help them develop their abilities and find suitable jobs. Well educated young people will not only improve their lives, but also make our country richer.




2:,If you study in University, have you noticed that some students are living in a difficult economic environment, and they have encountered many difficulties in completing their higher education, because they are very poor, their life is almost unknown to outsiders, some people rarely buy clothes, and some people can't afford train tickets to go home during holidays. Poor students are not only faced with physical but also mental problems In the predicament, they are worried about tuition and living expenses. Some of them are even mentally unbalanced after school.

Many people have to work part-time, which makes them unable to study and may make them fail to perform well or drop out of school. Nevertheless, many people are very diligent and ready to endure that we can't just sympathize with them. Banks should provide them with interest bearing loans.

All sectors of society should also provide necessary assistance to help them develop their abilities and find suitable jobs. Well educated young people will not only improve their lives, but also make our country richer.




3:为贫困学生捐款,Today, we gather together to donate our money and other things to poor mountainous areas like books. The team is very long and we students are very enthusiastic. Xiao Zhang donated yuan.

He planned to buy a brand-new bicycle. "They need it more." He said to me, I gave them three books, hoping that they would like them, because we all know that they are relatively poor, but many of them are kind and diligent. All they lack is money, so we should try our best to help them.

I really hope we make sense to them, as we sing, "if everyone gives a little bit of love, the world will become more beautiful.".





标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业

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